47 | Life goes on

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(Selena's POV)

How can one stop their tears when they have already been through it once and had no idea how to? How can I stop mine when my world is falling apart? My mother just revealed she had feelings for a guy that her best friend wanted, I feel sad for her but I don't know. . . am I selfish if I say that my mother is not at fault? Yet on the other hand that friend of hers was after her and she left my father without warning him about her and my father. . . my hands shake. My heart trembles. The ground doubles on my vision.

Why does everything happens to me? What the heck have I done to deserve this? I just. . . need a moment of piece. I want just one day to not think of anything negative, just positivity. I want my head for once to be relaxed and for my heart for once to enjoy herself instead of throb me with her pain. "My father died." I heard a voice speak and I turned around, stunned.

"Alice?" The woman came out of the dark as I spoke her name.

"Guessed right." She smiled.

"What are you. . ." I trailed off. "If you seek any revenge from me about lying please. . . do it later. I need a moment. Just one."

She chuckles. "No, silly!" She waves her hand in the air, declining what I just said. "I came here to give you a small advice since I went through the same thing. My father died last month." I heard so, in the news. It became very big, everyone would talk about the president of Italy that fell, everyone saying that his political enemies planned his downfall yet of course that isn't true. Everything is a cover up.

I tried to contact her yet my finger never dared to tap that call button. I feared about what she may say or how she may react. Again back than I thought of myself, how I thought she felt. . . the same I did and probably even worse. And I realized. . . even if I did call her. . . I'd probably end up crying instead of comforting her, so I never did. "So I heard." That's all I mastered to say.

"Do you know what I did?" She asked.

I furrowed my brows.

"I cried. A lot." She answered. "I fell on my knees, I didn't eat for days, I barely let the water touch my mouth, I didn't bathe, I closed myself in my room, I thought of him every. Little. Second. Yet he didn't come back. . . and he never will. I have to live without him because life. . . sadly or not. . . goes on. Just like. . ." She paused. "He never existed."

I nodded.

"It makes me think. . . how little we are. . . that no one expect from our people cares about us, they continue with their lives. I saw my father on television, for a week everyone felt bad for him, wished me condolences yet when I went out. . . they all were laughing, continuing with their own lives. Because life. . ." She came closer to me and locked our hands together. "Doesn't stop."

"So?. . ." I ask.

"So we should head strong, right back on track because we also. . ." She smiled at me. "Have a life. One that awaits for us to get back on ourselves and live it while we can."

I sighed.


(Leonardo's POV)

The girl rested her hands over the railings of the balcony, on the second floor of the cops building. She looked tensed and her hands were showing how unwell she feels in this situation, I didn't try to make her feel better because I don't know her and I don't care. Still, I didn't try to speak before she does or show any sign of annoyance so that she doesn't feel even worse than she already has.

"I heard about your plan-Aless told me-we are friends though, don't worry, I won't open anywhere." Aless is a big mouth. "I just want to ask you favor. . ." She turned at me. Her eyes ready to tear. "Leave Selena out of this. Please."

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