60 | The theory of landing into metal

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Damian pushed the car to a full speed. Three to five police men tried to stop him yet he brushed them off and run away. Alise was on his right and Zamira, Derek were on the backseats. Zamira was trying to reach their numbers yet she reached none of them. Derek for the first time in his life was sweating from anxiety and he never liked sweating.

"Should we call the other side? Let them know their boss is getting killed minute by minute? Maybe they have someone inside the police." Derek stuttered.

"First of all, hoping that they have someone in the police isn't a God thing Derek." Zamira replied. "Second, we have no numbers of them. Remember? The moment Leonardo entered jail. . . we cut contact."

Derek sighed.

"Well. . ." Alise spoke.

All eyes on her.

Even Damian turned for a minute and started pushing the wheel harder. "Who do you have in your contacts?" He asked her.

"Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad." He was furious.

"Your vein is about to pop out from your head. You do that everytime you are angry." She responded.

"Just tell us who is it." He exhales thinking this isn't the time to be arguing about this.

"Call whoever it is. We don't care as long as they help." Zamira instructed her. "Right after, break your phone so that there is no evidence left."

"After you tell me wh—"

"Damian." Zamira cut him off.

He rolled his eyes and pushed the brake harder. The car kept on in an insane speed, Derek had grasped his belt for a good support and Zamira was holding into her sit tightly while Alise opened her phone and made the call. Informing the one person she ever had anything to do with about what has happened. "Tristan, your boss is about to get killed inside prison by his crazy mother and we all know damn well you are still around America waiting for a way to help your boss escape so do that now and burn your phone because the police may find I have called you and me, my team would get in trouble! Have a good night! See ya later!" She rushed to close the phone and throw it away. Averting her eyes from everyone.

"Tristan?!" Derek exclaimed, judging her.

"You are no one to speak!" She responded.

"At least I haven't slept with—"

"Guys." Damian spoke, now totally forgetting his jealousy. They all gazed at him. "Is that. . . Leonardo and Selena flying off the building?!"


(Selena's POV)

We have reached the last floor and my lungs are failing me. I am breathing even harder than anyone on earth can. I hold into Leonardo for dear life as he tries to find us a place to enter, yet we are in the middle of the open ground, on the roof of the building. Nowhere to go and with them coming at us at any minute. I'd say our best chance is to let them kill us and get this over with. He has already grabbed my gun from me and I haven't even realized that but now I do. . . "When did you?"

"Just now. Don't worry, I won't shoot unless necessary."

"I don't. I'm not scared of them anymore. Do whatever you want."

He nods.

"What are we to do?" I ask him. No matter how many times we look around that doesn't change the fact that we are going to get killed right here, right now. There is no way out of this no matter how much we think about it. No matter where we hide they are going to find a way to come at us. They are more than hundred and we are. . . two. They'll find our hiding place in matter of seconds. So what the hell are we supposed to do?! Is this the way we die?! Why?! We haven't committed—I haven't committed any crimes! Is it because I am with him? If I let go will I live? That's it, probably. Yes. I simply must—"Let me go."

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