29 | The last day (pt.1)

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(Selena's pov)

I woke up in my bed, my pillow soaked in my tears yet I didn't feel alone last night. I think I had another dream about... never mind. I get up from bed and put on my shoes.

Not bothering to shower or anything as if anyone will see me now anyway. I walk out the room and Delilah is there standing elegantly dressed like always waiting for me... with a bunch of blood sheet down her shoes...

"W-what happened?..." I dare to ask.

"People came to kill me. They found out about us telling Leonardo." She made it sound like its nothing.

"And?... aren't you... scared?..." I would be.

"Scared? Nah! Those are just a bunch of losers! If they come everyday they would do me a favour, I won't have to go to the gym anymore." She said while mocking their dead bodies with her eyes.

I try not to tap into any of the bodies while walking away, unlike me Delilah pushed the bodies away and complains about them making her heels dirty. She is crazy just like him... they are a perfect match.

"Where is Leonardo and Ryan?" I ask her.

"To get Rachel. They must be after her too now since she is Ryan's weakness." She responded pushing more bodies.

How many did she fought anyway? How did she handle all those with heels as well? She is incredible! I can barely walk with heels yet she killed dozens with them on.

Finally out of that underground place filled with... bodies... the sun burns deep into my eyes and I take a minute to adjust. Delilah talks again to that girl she talked yesterday and everyone passing by bowed, I did too even If I had now idea why we do that.

"What are you doing?" Delilah looks at me weirdly.

"Greeting..." I don't even know actually.

"Stop that. They'll think its weird too." She pointed at the others behind me already giving me those weird looks.

I scratch my forehead and follow behind her not doing anything else on my own. I put on a smile for the ones who passed by and didn't say anything else. Even the ride back home were as silent as when I walk at night alone on a dark alley maybe even worse.

I walk back inside to the house and find everyone moving around, organizing. They all were so stressed and fast that I could barely make it a picture on my head. All of them running around with things on their hands, some decorating and some fixing the tables.

Two maids walk up to me and steal me from Delilah, I look at her in shock and she winks at me while walking away. What is going on?!


(Selena's pov)

"What?!" I shouted.

He jolted up and almost burned his hand with the straightener.

"Explain yourself better Lionel!" Confused aren't you? So am I.

Let's head back a few minutes. So when the maids brought me up as they had practically dragged me from downstairs, there were a few people waiting upstairs. More precisely three people, Lionel, Sarah and Ricardo.

They were from Leonardo's close circle. Like Aless and Alice, Caleb... well there are other three. Those three.

Lionel Copraci, son of the owner of best company of weapons, all kinda of weapons. Anything illegal which gets on their hands becomes legal. He is a 5'9 guy, with more soft features then other guys and he is the biggest scaredy cat!

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