51 | Leonardo's past & her crimes

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His big brother had just made his return from yet another mission of spying. He had started filling him with adventures and everything, while his sister believed nothing from the stories, Leonardo had a special place in his heart about them. He wished to become just like his brother growing up. Everytime his big brother would speak about moments of his life, Leonardo's pupils would glow and he'd cross his hands together in a wishful way as a small child asking from the Heavens above for him to be just as awesome as his brother.

His sister didn't spend much time with him because she had her studies to focus on, unlike with his brother he begged not to become like her. He thought her life was just too much. She had responsibilities for everything, she did her every move with propose and she'd never just ruin her schedule to fun around. She was strict about everything and she was barely even home. He heard all about her travels yet they were all necessities for her studies, she never had any incredible story like her brother. She was plain, focused on her goal to become a lawyer and that's it. He always grimaced at her way of living, he thought it was down boring.

On his fifteen birthday, he found out a lot of things. One was that his siblings were never fully with the same blood as him, secondly his mother's identity and thirdly everything she had done. That shattered him. He lost all hopes, dreams, thoughts. He had only one goal and that was to capture her. Yet of course he had to make a long plan before capturing a professionist like that. Around that time was also when he started realizing why his siblings are never home. They always knew the truth and he was the only one in the dark.

He found out she abused them. She threatened them about exposing them to everyone, sometimes—when they still were kids—she told them, she'd leave them if they didn't do what she wanted them to do. Catarina became a lawyer to cover all her nasty work while Hellan became a spy to find out everything she needs to know. He almost got killed around the age of thirteen when he went on his first mission without any training. While Catarina almost had the same fate by a family that her child she had falsely accused. That was only the beginning of what she did to them through the years. They were the weapon to her always being one step ahead.

Leonardo became so furious upon finding out the truth, he even tried to kill her on her sleep but watching her. . . he couldn't. Because no matter what, no matter who she was, she was the woman that gave him a chance on this earth. He couldn't simply take her life as it doesn't matter. So he watched everyday as she manipulated him and all the people clueless about her sickness and the goodness of her heart. Leonardo smiled, hugged, kissed, took care of her all while knowing everything. It was so hard on him but he remembered what his siblings had to go through and he pushed himself through the small things he had to do. He simply had to smile while his siblings were being chased by furious people with murder in mind and clearly capable of it.

Aless was the reason he had control over himself. Aless always reminded him that he is doing that for his family and the moment they have a plan they will act on it. He would always soothe him with those words. Leonardo could see how much Aless loathed her as well, as she talked with his mother or with him. Leonardo could recognize it in his eyes. That hatred was crystal clear.

On the age of seventeen, Simon came around. The two became quite close and Leonardo finally felt a little free, Simon was a man Leonardo had found himself close too. Not because of any connection. He knew about his past and he felt bad for him at start but later on as they grew closer he let go of the feeling and started to try and understand him. He could understand why he had that thirst for money but he never believed it would be so much that he'd leave him to join. . . her. Yet again, that woman had entered the picture. He loathed her even more after that. That's when also his first plan hit him.

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