37 | Doubt. . . questions. . .

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Selena grabs the phone and takes a last look at the room. It has been her roof for two weeks. She wouldn't miss being here, especially cause of the food but she stayed here and it grew in her. She couldn't stop thinking about last night as well. The way he had left and she hadn't said anything or the way she almost blew her cover up. The scenarios in her head always showed her dead on the ground.

She slided outside the door and to her surprise Aless and Alice stood outside, waiting with the smiles on their faces. "Took you long enough."

"Why do women take so much time to even get out the hospital room?" Aless joked.

Selena's face grew up and her happiness raised into her heart, making it throb happily and excited. She hopped into their arms and hugged them tightly. Unable to let go, afraid they will vanish if she does. She hugged them tightly and tears started withering into her face. Alice did too but Aless kept his inside.

She let go of both of them and kept Alice by the hand. That girl had grown inside her heart without her realizing it. She walked down and grabbed her papers before leaving that hospital forever. A car was waiting outside and they all entered.

Alice started sharing everything with Selena about what they went through and Selena told her about the race. While Aless drove quietly. The girls couldn't stop laughing and smiling with each other, keeping hands like if they let go the world would shatter. Alice finally smiled after so long, Aless noticed that cause he had been trying to make her smile on this two weeks. Maybe a friend is more perfect for that job than him sometime.

After a while the girls went quiet and Selena changed the subject. "Where is Mr.Hernandez?" She went back to calling him that.

"She had a lot of work and he said he couldn't make it." Selena's face fell a little as Alice said. "But you have us so it's gone be okay!" She tried to cheer her up.

Selena nodded.


(Selena's POV)

I held my breath and knocked. He gave me permission to go in and so I did. He looked up and saw me, puting his pen down he asked me what am I doing here. That's when I released the breath. "We need to talk."

He nodded.

I closed the door with the key so that we wouldn't get distracted and he got a little suspicious by me doing so. He didn't try to hide it yet either did he try to show it. He put his papers away and extended his hand, to point at the chair across from him for me to sit. I did that and gazed at him, seriously.

He waited for me to speak and to say what I want to but I can't find a way to talk about this without getting directly into the subject so I do just that. "You need to tell me everything. What happened to that racer? And how do you know him?" I asked. "And don't lie to me, I can catch your lies from miles away."

"When I said 'get some sleep Selena' I meant I don't want you to get involved with this." I want to say I already am but I'm holding back.

"Yes, I know. But I need to know." I respond. "I need to know what happened to the guy who wanted me dead. Why did he have Alice and Aless hostage? Why did he want you to race with him? What's with you and that orange car that you still have it even now that it's practically only some pieces?" I need to know. I need to know more about you. Find out how your work, how you do things. How you always get away. I need that so that I can. . .

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