32 | The car

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(Alice's pov)

As that asshole took us captive, no one helped Aless even a little. Actually they made him worse, now were tied together with a rope, sitting on the floor, waiting for our doom.

"Figlia del presidente, resiste ancora?" He mocked me.
(Daughter of the president, still holding strong?)

"Non cado sui coglioni!" I chortle. Pathetic cowards.
(I don't fall on scumbags)

"Hai proprio la lingua." He smirked, flirting me.
(You have quite the tongue)

"A differenza del tuo cazzo." I grin back.
(Unlike your dick)

"I pantaloni sono il problema, vuoi vedere la cosa reale?" He says.
(The pants are the problem, wanna see the real thing?)

"Anche così dovrei procurarmi un microscopio." He disgusts me.
(Even like that I'd have to get a microscope)

"Mi piace il tuo coraggio." He says.
(I like your guts)

"Buon per te." I growl.
(Good for you)

"Mi hai sempre odiato. Anche dopo tutto... quello che ho fatto per te... sei andato a questo... che cos'é questo tizio?..." He always used to look down on Alessandro but after we started dating, he hated Aless.
(You always hated me. Even after everything I did for you... you went to this... what even is this guy?...)

"Per la cronaca, non ti ho odiato, sei stato tu a farmi odiare." I reply.
(For the record I didn't hate you, you made me hate you)

"Era una volta!!" He shouts.
(It was one time!!)

"Dove ho fatto una cazzata... e voi tutti... mi avete voltato le spalle..." He lowered his voice.
(Where I fucked up... and you all... turned your back at me...)

"Quella volta hai tradito Leonardo, mi hai quasi ucciso e Alessandro è finito in coma per due mesi! Una volta forse... ma hai fatto una cazzata! Non vittimizzare te stesso!" I yell at him.
(You betrayed Leonardo on that time, you almost killed me and Alessandro ended in coma for two months! One time maybe... but you fucked up hard! Don't victimize yourself!)

"Beh, ho chiamato Leonardo... e domani siamo andati a sistemare con... race."
(Well I called Leonardo... and we gone settle tomorrow with a... race)

He stormed off, his people following him. I held my head high and mad till the moment they exit the room, once they were out, I let out a big breath I were holding and try to talk to Aless.

"Did you hear him?" I whisper at Aless.

"I did." He murmurs back.

"What race is he talking about? Leonardo quit that since... you know! What is going on?!" I panicked.

"I don't know." He admitted.

Leonardo what the hell do you have in mind?! Is this your way of saving us by killing yourself!? Dude, at this point I don't wanna be saved!! He can't race! We can't let him do that! Its too risky!!


(Selena's pov)

Leonardo crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me, waiting for an explanation. I straighten my body and head, wrap my hands around my boobs and inhale before replying.

He glares deep into me while patiently waiting for the words to come out my mouth. They don't though, I don't know how to explain myself. What will I tell him expect the truth?...

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