Chapter One

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Black. That's all everyone wore to their funeral. I looked around the parking lot at everyone conversating before stepping into my truck.

I wasn't ready for this.

Sure, kids bury their parents all the time, but mine should have still been here. If it wasn't for that damn accident, they would still be here.

I'm not ready for this!

I look at my phone and see the time. It's going to start soon. My cousin Sandra taps the window to my truck, then opens my door. I'm so glad she's here. We've been close our whole life's and I don't know what I would do if she didn't show up. I looked to her through my teary green eyes.

Please, no.. I'm not ready...

She pulled me into a hug while we cried on each others shoulders until my father's brother, Tom came over and pulled his daughter and I into a hug. He tried to be strong for us, but the tears were still in his eyes. If I had a sibling that died, I think this would hurt a lot worse. I feel for him. I feel for Sandra who looked up to my mother as her own. Her mother left her when she was just 3 weeks old, so we were more like sisters growing up.

We're not ready for this...

He pulled us into his side, placed my keys in his pocket after shutting and locking my truck door, then slowly walked us towards the building. We clung onto him trying to purposely miss all the pity looks on people's faces. Everyone here loved my parents and love my uncle. My parents were amazing people who would give the shirts off their backs for anyone. The sad music started to play through out the room as we entered, then once we were seated the slide show of their from through out their lives started.

I don't think I'm ever going to be ready..

I watched all the photos on the screen transition from one happy photo to the next. There were photos of my parents with some of their friends and all of our family from family events and even church events. I was quietly bawling by the end of it. It was hard seeing them so happy, but at the same time I'm glad they made their lives as adventurous as they did. The sad music wasn't helping me trying to find an ounce of peace.. it was bringing me back down to the point where I couldn't think of nothing else, but their accident. Is this the kind of thing my parents really would have wanted? A funeral? Would they of wanted a celebration of life instead? I guess I wouldn't ever know...

We all weren't ready...

After the lights came back on from the slideshow the priest came to the front and to start talking. He was an amazing pastor that we went to every Sunday so it was fitting that he held their service. He was a man that loved his community, but he loved his people more.

"Let us bow our heads for a moment to pray for Michael and Trina Boone, then offer them a moment of silence afterwards." Pastor John started.

He gave everyone a moment to bow their heads and close their eyes. I held onto my uncle's hand with everything I had while closing my eye and bowing my head.

"Almighty and eternal God, we ask of you to help these two soul's. Hear our prayers and thanksgivings for the two we are remembering on this very day. Fulfill in them the purpose of your love and bring us all, with them, to your eternal joy. We pray they ready heaven with your helping hand and watch down on their friends and loved ones until we all meet again. In Jesus name we pray, to God we bow our heads to say Thankyou lord for this blessed day, Amen." He spoke out strongly.

By the end of the prayer, Something in my chest warmed me from the inside out. I knew my parents were safe and happy. They were not suffering or in pain. They were in peace with each other and the family that we have previously lost. They were going to be okay, but was I going to be okay? I think with time I will be.

After the moment of silence, I opened my eyes and looked at the two closed coffins. In those two closed coffins laid the two people that I looked up to in this world. They raised me the best they could and damn it, they did a hell of a job! They raised me to follow my heart, listen to my head, learn from my mistakes, and treat people the way I would want to be treated. They taught me to fight for what's right and for the people I loved.

They are..were?..are! The are the reason I am the person I am today. I look up at my uncle after tuning back in from my daze when I heard his name being called. It's time for his speech. It was going to be me, but I just couldn't do it. My uncle deserves it more than me. It was his brother and sister-in-law. He needed this. I know he does. I watched him as he walked up to the podium while Sandra and I scooted closer together. We held each other while we watched him clear his throat, then his eyes of the tears. I've never seen him or my father cry before so it really broke my heart to see him up there so vulnerable. I know seeing him broken stirred the same feelings up in Sandra because I heard her take a deep shaky breathe when she looked up to him.

"I just want to say, Thank you all. Thank you for being here for my niece, my daughter, and myself. Everyone knew how close we all were as a family. We all did everything together. Michael and Trina.. they were the best people I knew. Not only did they bring out the best in each other, but they brought out the best in everyone around them. They were the most spontaneous and joyful people who would do anything for someone in need. I remember this one time when the girls were just 8, we all went on a family road trip in an RV. Every time those two seen someone on the side of that highway, they would pull that RV over and lend a helping hand. It didn't matter if these people needed help with a flat tire, if they ran out of gas, or if they needed a ride or tow to the nearest town. They would do it in a heartbeat. They were amazing people who we were all blessed to have in our lives. I don't think our lives would be the same if it had not been for Michael and Trina. So thank you again to everyone for being here because I know they are looking down on us all and smiling." He spoke.

During his speech he would try to hold in his tears, tried to laugh, and tried to smile, but he was still so broken. We all were. Sandra and I were crying and he looked at us with a soft smile, made his way back to us, and embraced us with his love filled hug. It wasn't just a normal one of his love filled hugs. It was a hug filled with promises just without the words.

"I will always protect you and make sure you're happy. I love you, Birdie" He whispered to me.
"I love you too."

We sat through the rest of the funeral until it was time for us, the family to follow the hearse to the grave yard where we would watch them be lowered into their graves right next to each other. Uncle Tom had me ride with them to the graveyard because I wasn't in the right mind to drive. He said that we'll come back later to get my truck. It was my dad's truck that he passed down to me along with many other things. His truck was the one thing that I would never part with. Ever!

I watched as my parents were lowered into the cold ground and said a silent prayer to them. I just hope they heard me.



W/C: 1,424

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