Chapter Eight

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I ran inside the building and straight to the stairs. Okay! The psych ward is on the second floor. That's not too bad. Right? Oh well I suppose.

I continued up to the second floor while praying to god out loud to watch over me. The smoke was getting worse so I covered my nose with my jacket. I didn't want to use the oxygen masks yet.

I reached the second floor and my phone started ringing. I pulled it out and seen May's name. Fuck! Of course they knew to have her call me. I cant.. she is going to hate me for doing this. I turned my phone off and shoved it back into my pocket. I regretted not answering it. If I do die, at least I would die hearing her voice. Okay! Jesus! Focus, Aspen!

I looked up the center of the stair railing and seen tons of black smoke and some red. Shit! Okay concentrate. I need to get in the room, then talk to her long enough to inject her with the sedative. You would think people would think about this, but I guess when a fire is involved a 16 year old girl's life isn't more important then their own. Cowards!

I tested the metal door handle to the second floor. It wasn't hot. Perfect. I slowly pulled the door open to make sure there wasn't any fire nearby. Once I seen the floor was mostly clear of the fire I ran.. I looked around before calling out.


No answer. I went left where the nurses station was and looked at the computer's. Thank god! Someone didn't log out. I went to the patients that are currently admitted and looked at the names, sex, and ages. There she is! 16 year old female. Room 210. I looked around and seen 215 and ran to it. The door to the left read 216 so I turned and looked at the door to the right. 214. This way!

I ran until I came across 210. They were right. She barricaded the doors. Just as I went to shout there was a loud explosion from one of the floors above us. I slowly looked up and took a breathe of the oxygen mask.

"Hello? Is someone in there?"
"Go away!" She shouted.
"I don't want to leave." She said from the other side of the door.
"Well thats good to know because I don't want to either. I could use some company!"

I listened as everything went silent from her side until I head her moving stuff from out in front of the door. There's no fucking way it was that easy. Thank you God!

She cracked the door and looked at me. She studied me and I shrugged at her. She opened the door and invited me in. Once I was inside she went to barricade the doors in.

"You don't have to worry about that. No one else is going to come for us."
"What do you mean?" She asked confused.
"We didn't want to leave so they left us."

She looked surprised as I shrugged towards her and sat on her bed.

"What are those?" She asked pointing to the oxygen mask's.

I told her what it was and she looked even more confused as she sat on the floor across the room. Okay.. this definitely wasn't going to be easy. This was the hard part for sure. Getting close enough.

"What is the point of them if we are just going to burn?" She asked.
"Huh.. good point.. I don't know. I just seen them and grabbed them. There's more out there, but I grabbed two since I only have two hands."

I laughed a little and she stared at me.

"So why do you want to die?" She asked me boldly.
"You first."

I smiled at her and she smiled back. What a strange and bipolar child.

"My parents and sibling died when we were in a car crash. I was the only one who survived.. It should have been me that died. Not them." She stated while a tear trickled down her face.

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