Chapter Twenty

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After telling the girls about my plans to get to know Gage as friends for now, I went to the front porch where I found him alone and smoking his vape. I'm not against people smoking so it didn't really bother me much.

"Mind if I join you?"
"Of course." He said looking to me with a smirk.
"What are you doing out here all by yourself?"
"I guess I could ask you the same thing. You were trying to sneak away to be alone to." He countered.

I smiled a pretend guilty smile. Obviously I knew he was out here, but I didn't want him to know that. That would make me look like a stalker.


I sat down on the porch swing next to him where we fell into a comfortable silence.

"So? How did you meet everyone here?" He asked trying to make conversation.
"I actually started working with Jenn. We went out to a bar after my first week of working with her and that's where I met the girls. I ended up staying the night here that night and thats how I met the guys. How about you?"
"I met Ryan and Ian in high school after my parents and I moved here from Canada." He answered.

Lucky little shit. Canada was my second choice to Alaska.

"I've got to say, I'm kinda jealous. I've always wanted to go to Canada and here you are as someone whose lived there."

He started to laugh a genuine laugh and I just smiled.

"It's great there, but I would never choose to leave Alaska to go back." He states.
"I don't blame you. I'd choose Alaska over Colorado any day."

We go on talking for a little bit longer before he got bold and asked for my number. It wouldn't have been so awkward if Liam and Kim wasn't walking on to the front porch at the same time he asked. I didn't care.

"Yeah. Here! Just put your number in my phone and I'll text you."

He lightly took my phone away from me as I ignored the burning stare that I was getting. Like I said.. I. Don't. Care! He made his choices and now I'm making mine. He made his choices.

I hear Kim tell Liam bye then kiss him. He was pretending so hard to enjoy it. He wasn't that hard to read. I texted Gage off my phone and he saved my name and number as soon as he got it.

Liam disappeared inside as Gage and I continued to talk. I.. I like that were talking about our childhood instead of sex. I like that he's actually interested in me and not my body, but.. why do I keep wishing things could be like this between Liam and I?

Gage finally went inside to say his goodbyes. Sarah and Mel came out and sat with me asking tons of questions. I told them how sweet he was and that we just talked, but Sarah knows me a little too well. She didn't bring it up until Gage left and Mel went back inside.

"What's wrong? Do we like him or are we confused?" She asked with a soft smile.
"We like him, but we are having a hard time wondering why things couldn't be like this with... someone else.."
"Ahh I see. I understand. Maybe you to just need some time apart to come back together." She smiles.
"I don't know, Sarah.. He didn't seem to mind to shove Kim's tongue down his throat in front of me. I'm not going to feel guilty for talking to someone else all while taking the hint's that he's never going to actually grow up and apologize."

She went to say something else when Tony stumbled out on the front porch. He came and sat down on the other side of her and kissed her cheek. She kept giggling and I took that as my cue.

"I'm going to go tell everyone bye, then head home. It's pretty late."
"Text me when you get home?" Sarah asked.
"Yes, mom."

I hug them both, then head inside to tell everyone goodbye. Once I got to Jenn I told her how I was leaving, but I had to use the bathroom first. I went upstairs into the bathroom and locked the door to do my business. When I was done washing my hands I turned the light off and opened the door just to be shoved back inside the bathroom and the door shut. The light turned on and in front of me stood a very pissed off Liam.

"What the fuck were you doing with Gage?" He snapped.
"Excuse me? I'm a grown ass woman. I can talk to whoever the fuck I want. Beside what do you fucking care? You were sucking faces with Kim all night."
"I don't want you hanging out with him." He stated.
"Well thats too damn bad. I don't take orders from you, Liam. Now get the fuck out of my face so I can go home."

He placed both hands on either side of my head while leaning in to whisper in my ear.

"Stay away from him." He demanded in a whisper.
"Or what?"

He leaned back and shook his head.

"This is the last time I'm going to tell you this, Liam so you better listen and listen real damn good. You don't own me. You never have. You could have if you weren't so in your own little bubble to see all the stupid shit you were doing."
"I did nothing." He states wile backing away from me.
"You keep telling yourself that."

I turned around and went to open the door, but he shoved it closed again and leaned towards me.

"I mean it, Aspen. Stay away from him. You will regret it if you try to take things farther with him. This isn't me being possessive. This is me being protective." He states then moved me out of the way to leave the bathroom.

I was confused about what he meant about his warning being protective, but brushed it off. I knew he was just trying to get into my head and I wouldn't let that happen. God! Why can't he just act right?!

I left after telling everyone bye again and drove straight home. When I got home I texted everyone that I made it and took a shower. After my shower I laid in bed looking at my phone before giving in.

Aspen: What did you mean by you're just being protective?

I waited and waited, but no text came back. I knew he was bluffing. I'll just text Gage.

Aspen: Hey.
Gage: Hey, you still at the party?
Aspen: No. I'm home now.
Gage: Alright. So I was wondering and you don't have to say yes, but would you like to hang out sometime? Maybe this weekend coming up?

I thought about it and decide what the fuck. Its Sunday so I have a whole week to prepare.

Aspen: Saturday or Sunday? I'm open for either :)
Gage: How about both?

What does be mean both?

Aspen: What like we do something Saturday, then also do something Sunday?
Gage: Yeah! We can just hang out and go to lunch Saturday, then Sunday we can go to my buddies race? He races dirt bikes against other people. It's okay if you don't want to, but I wont lie and say I wont be upset if you wouldn't want to.

I can't tell if that was a joke or he's trying to guilt trip me. Ughh why do I do this. It was probably just a joke.

Aspen: That sounds like fun! Just don't leave me hanging all week with no texts.
Gage: I wouldn't dream of it.

I smiled at my phone, but I didn't get all giddy like I did with Liam. Okay! No more Liam! From now on until my dates I'm not going to think of him. I texted the girls excited about my plans this weekend and they were all happy for me. They all knew how Liam fucked up so they're not holding anything against me.

I really like this guy. He's sweet, kind, not mysterious, open, and he is actually interested in my life. I'm officially excited for this weekend.



W/C: 1,400

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