Chapter Four

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"Just step on this scale for me, please?"

I watch as the 9 year old girl slips her shoes off and climbs on the scale. I look at her weight and write it on the chart.

"Perfect! Thankyou, sweetie. Would you like a lollipop while you wait for Dr. Wade?"
"Yes please." She giggles.

I grab a lollipop out of the jar and show it to her.

"Is green okay?"
"Yes ma'am." She giggles again.
"Okays here you go. Follow me."

I led them to their room while listening to Abbys mom warn her not to bite it since she had a loose tooth. She was the cutest little girl and her giggle was too adorable. I'm sure if I had a uterus right now that it was be itching for me to put a baby inside of it. I smiled at my little joke, then opened the room door for them.

"Here you are. Dr. Wade will be in here shortly. If you need anything, just let me know. I'll be at the nurses station just down the hall.."

I've been working for officially 2 days now and I love it so far. I started yesterday, the day after the interview. Jenny told me that Saturday she wants me to come to the bar and meet her friends. I don't mind it one bit! I was actually kinda happy that she wanted to get to know me outside of work. I was sitting at my desk when Jenny walked up. She handed me a chart while I did the same to her.

"Oh! I love when Abby comes in!" She laughs.
"She is in a very good mood today. No doubt hyper from the lollipop. Your welcome."
"Oh, you Bitch." She whispered while laughing.

I joined in on her laughing while she walked away. Before she could open the door, Abby busts open the door laughing as Jenny jumps. She grabs Jenny's hand and rushes them over to me. I stand up and walk to meet her half way. She is still giggling while her mom try's to scold her. Jenny and I squat down and that's when I see it.

"Do you notice anything different?" She ask's while smiling.

Jenny looks at me and winks.

"Hmm.. I don't know? Nurse Boone? Do you notice anything?"

I pretend to study her before I answer.

"Your tongue is green?"
"No, silly goose. Guess again!" She laughs.
"Hmm your hair is tied up?" Jenny guessed.
"Nooo." She giggles.
"Hmm I don't know. Tell us!" Jenny laughed.
"My tooth! It came out! It came out!" She say's excitedly while jumping up and down and showing us.

We both faked shock and got excited excited with her. It was a sight to see I'm sure. Two adults and a 9 year old squealing with joy.

"Come on! Lets go get a tooth chest!" Jenny says standing up and grabbing her hand.

She led her back to her room after Abby hugged me. I swear that little girl is too cute. When I got back to my desk I found an older lady smiling at me. I grab her forms to ready her discharge papers. I look at her name so I could apologize for my unprofessional behavior.

"I'm so sorry for making you wait, Mrs. Montgomery. That was very rude of me."
"Oh nonsense! Don't apologize, child. Did you see how happy you girls made that baby. You can make me wait all over again just so I can see that smile on that girls face." She smiles kindly while scolding me.

I got her discharge papers with another appointment set up while she told me about her grandchildren and her single mothered daughter. I told her I respect her daughter because I couldn't imagine raising children by myself. In the blink of an eye it was the end of our shift. We grabbed our purses, winter jackets, then headed to the door.

"We still on for tomorrow night?" Jenny ask's eagerly.
"Hell yeah! I'm ready for a night out. It's definitely needed."
"I hear ya!" She agreed.

Walking out the front door we come faced with a truck full of people causing her to laugh.

"Hurry up before we leave you!" One girl shouts.
"Oh piss off!" Jenny laughed.
"It's okay, Jenn. You can come home with me."

She started laughing after I winked at her and pulled me into a hug.

"Easy, Tiger." She joked.

We began to part ways until she called out.

"I'll text you tomorrow, Aspen." She laughed.
"I'll be waiting!"

I walked and hopped in my truck, shut the door and listened as the truck roared to life. Thank you, Dad! I swear there is nothing I love more than this baby right here. I would kill someone over my baby.

On the way home I started remember how my dad and I would go to truck meets and work on this truck. He taught me almost everything he knew before he died and I couldn't thank him enough for it. My mom taught me anything she could when it came to cooking and cleaning. She always said I needed to know for myself, not for some future husband or boyfriend. They both taught me everything they could about hunting, fishing, snow boarding, climbing, and... parachuting... I shook the sad thoughts away before they could even cloud into my brain. That's not something I need to think about right now. I just need to focus on healing, my job, and being the best I can be.

I pulled up to my apartment and quickly climbed out, locked the doors, then ran inside after putting in my door code. I had to pee so bad! I completely forgot to go before leaving work. I went pee, wiped, then stripped down to hop into a nice steamy shower. Ahhh I miss hell.. I began washing my body and when I got to my stomach. I ran my finger over my 3 inch horizontal scar. When I was 15, I had really bad cramping for awhile. I tried to hide it, but eventually my dad found out since he watched me pass out on the kitchen floor from the pain. He called my mom after scooping me into his arms and rushing me to the hospital where I finally told then, then the doctor about my pains. When they ran test's and did some ultrasounds, they found what they called a germ cell tumor in my uterus.

Later they found it to be cancerous and gave me two options. Chemo or a hysterectomy. My first choice was chemo, but after 2 months, the cancer got worse. They wanted to do a hysterectomy before it started to spread farther throughout my body. I knew right, then that I wouldn't be having kids ever in my life. I was upset because thats something I've always wanted! Plus, I always asked myself who would want a woman that can't give them children? I felt like a part of myself knew I had to do it and I was going to be okay. The other part felt less of a woman and a failure to my future husband. On the bright side! I don't get periods! That's a win. I climbed out of the shower, then got dressed. I looked down at my phone when it went off and seen that it was Jenny.

Jenn: Hey, Girl! Do you wanna spend the night tomorrow at our house? I'll come pick you up and take you home Sunday!
Aspen: Our house? And sure! Sounds great!
Jenn: Oh, I forgot to mention that I live with my boyfriend. When his parents passed away 3 years ago, they left him and his 5 brothers their 7 bedroom 4 bathroom house. All the guys live here. Some of their girlfriends like me live here too. We have a spare bedroom you can have all to your lonesome!!

Wow! I wouldn't know what to do with that big of a house. Damn.. I know what its like to loose parents.

Aspen: Damn! That's a huge house! I'm sorry about their parents. I lost mine a little under 3 months ago so I understand.
Jenn: I'm sorry, hun. I lost my mother 2 years ago so I understand about it being still fresh, ya know? She was all I had. Whenever you need to talk, just know that I am here. Okay?

I swear is everyone's parents dying? Jesus! Is there a parent sacrifice somewhere? Shits just wrong.

Aspen: Thanks, Jenn. That means a lot. Same goes for you, yes?
Jenn: Yes! Thank you as well. I'll talk to you tomorrow.
Aspen: Of course! Also yes! I'm excited.

I placed my phone down and turned on my TV to watch YouTube. Maybe I just need some good gameplay's to ease my mind. Hmmm Fooster or Neebs? Screw it! I'm playing Sims.



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