Chapter Twenty Three

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I ended up sleeping in the guest room also know as mine and Sarah's room. I went home that next day before anyone woke up. I wasn't trying to avoid anyone or anything I just needed some time to get my head straight. A lot of stuff happened in one night.

I went to a shitty dirt bike race with a shitty guy, had to practically get rescued from said shitty guy, watched Liam beat the fuck out of the shitty guy, then went back to their house and had a talk with Liam until he pulled me on top of him and kissed me.

So yeah, a lot of happened in one night. I still don't understand why Liam beat Gage's ass. Maybe it was cause of what he said about what would of happened if I stayed or because he called me a whore. It was probably a mixture of both. I don't know.

I was cooking eggs when my phone started going off from text notification. When I looked to read who it was it was Mel. I finished my eggs, then sat down to text her back.

Mel: Alright spill what happened?! Kyle and Liam said they had to bring you back here last night and now all the sudden Liam is in a good mood? That can't be a coincidence!

I smiled at the fact that he was in a good mood, then I felt kinda bad. Had he been in a shitty mood because of me? Nope! Not going there. He knew what he did wrong.

Aspen: I don't even know where to start lmaoo.
Mel: Ummm the beginning?! Duh!
Aspen: Okay okay! So basically you know what happened when I went out with Gage Saturday, but last night was awful!

I went on explaining to her every word and remark Gage and his friends said about me. I told her how rude and possessive he was acting and how I basically had to sneak away to call Kyle. I even told her how Liam beat Gage's ass and how we ended up kissing after talking some before we went to bed.

Mel: OMG!!! Sarah was right! Lol.
Aspen: About what? Lmao.
Mel: You and Liam needing to be apart to come back together!
Aspen: Mel, as much as I hope we could.. I don't even know what's going on between us.
Mel: I know, girl. Just talk to him and figure stuff out. ;)

We finished texting a couple minutes later and I washed my dishes, then started some laundry.

I wonder if Sarah was right. Did we really need to be apart to come back together? Could we figure this out or will it just end up like the last time? I really wish I knew because I can't wait around forever for him to want me or get his shit together. Its not fair to me.

There was a knock at my door and when I walked over to look out the peep hole Tory was standing there. She looks like she's been crying. I swung the door open and she jumped. She started crying more so I pulled her inside and to my couch to sit down.

"What's the matter, love?"

She started crying harder so I pulled her in for a hug. I let her cry while rubbing her back. I knew she needed to get it all out before she was able to talk about it. I'm a little shocked that she came to me instead of one of her friends. She finally pulled back and I helped her dry her tears while smiling at her. I just needed to comfort her the best I could.

"Take your time."
"I fucked up, Aspen." She cried while shaking her head slowly.
"Breathe just breathe. Talk me through it, yeah?"
"Okay so a week ago I started getting cramps really bad and when I checked my period tracker it said I'm late by two weeks. I didn't even realize it! I told Dan and he bought me a pregnancy test. It turns out that I'm pregnant and he was so fucking happy! We scheduled a doctors appointment and when the doctor told me how far along I was.." she paused crying harder.

I pulled her back into a hug. I had a feeling I knew why she came to me.

"His heart broke and he just left. I tried following him, but he wouldn't talk to me. Its not his, Aspen... it's.." she paused again looking at me scared.

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