Chapter Two

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Quiet. The silence in the house was so loud. It was louder than it was yesterday. I looked around the house that I've lived in for a couple of years with my parents. They could never stay in one place. They were carefree traveling birds and I was their little Birdie who would fly right behind them.

Its been 2 weeks since their funeral and today my parents lawyer is coming over to read me their joint will. They both had separate ones, but they also had a joint one incase something happened to the both of them. Its almost like they knew their business could kill them one day.

When I was little, probably around 5 I believe, We moved to Colorado and they started a company. They owned a helicopter that they would use to fly people over the mountains for a tour or to go sky diving, they would take people climbing up the mountains, and they also taught people how to snow board. They taught me very young how to do all of those things and I've mastered all of them, but the one thing that I will never do again is sky dive. That's what killed them and I'll be damned if I ever do that again.

I walked to the front door after hearing a knock and pulled it open gently. I seen their lawyer and smiled. He came in and we sat at the table after I offered a drink or snack which he politely accepted.

"Can you tell me your name, birthday, and the key word?" He asked.

I thought about what the key word would be until I remembered the reason my parents nicknamed my birdie. They chose 'birdie' as their key words, then when they had me they gave me the nickname so I would never forget.

"Aspen Marie Boone, October 14th, 2000, Birdie."
"Great. My name is Bob. Can you tell me what year it is?" Bob asked.

I raised my eyebrow at him and then answered.

"It's 2023."
"Awesome and can you tell me what month it is and your age?" He asked again.

I'm was starting to get really annoyed, but I calmed down and spoke.

"It's November and I'm 23."
"Great. I'm sorry about those questions, but it says right here that your parents wanted to mess with you to get you to smile." He laughed.

I started laughing because leave it to my parents to do something like that.

"Aspen, are you ready?" He asked with a soft smile.
"I am." I answered.

By the end of the reading I was in tears. They left me everything, but the helicopter. They left that to my uncle and cousin.

"Can I ask you something, Bob?"
"Of course." He answered with an understanding nod.
"Can you help me sell everything. I can't live here no more. I want to sell it all, get the money, then take my dad's truck and move. I can't stay here. Their memory's are haunting me."

He pulled me into a hug after I whispered the last sentence and I cried. He was a nice old man who reminded me so much of my dads father before he died. He let me cry on his shoulder while he rubbed my back in comfort.

"Where would you like to start?" He asked.

I thought about it and I knew I wanted to start with the thing that killed them. Their company.

"We can start with the company."
"Alright. While I do that, you just start cleaning out the house. I recommend selling most of it or donating it." He said with a smile.
"I think donating it would be a good idea."

After he left, I called my uncle and cousin to tell them what I have decided. They supported my decision and told me to follow my heart, but to always remember that they would be there for me. I spent the next couple of months getting everything I owned and my parents either left behind or gave me and sold or donated. I was currently staying with my uncle until the house sold, then I would leave. I've already quit my job a week ago and started looking for places to go. I found an apartment in Sitka, Alaska and decided that it was where I felt like would be right to go. I've already started renting the apartment and had my things moved there. The only thing I was waiting for was the house to sell.

It took a few day's, but I was finally loading up my truck and getting ready to leave with the help of my cousin and uncle. They understood my reasons and told me to call them every weekend. My uncle even tried to talk to me about how to go about getting my citizenship in Alaska when I moved there and if liked it so much I decided to stay. He said I could apply for it and hope that I could get it or get married. He was highly against the marriage part just as much as I was. I had to remind him that since Alaska was apart of the United states, I wouldn't need to get a visa or citizenship.

We were finally done loading up the boxes and bags when I looked to them and started tearing up. We said our goodbyes and I love you's before I finally got on the road and started my 59 hour drive.

Through out the long boring drive I listened to music, talked on the phone to my cousin and uncle, stopped for food and to sleep at a hotel, then finally after almost 4 days I reached Sitka. I put my apartments name into my new GPS that I got after entering Alaska and drove silently to the apartment. It was a small town near the ocean. It was past midnight so I couldn't see much. It was definitely a tourist town, thats for sure because every store, bar, and restaurant was decked out in some kind of eye catching lights or crazy theme's. I kind of liked it though.

I finally reached my apartment and felt relieved. I locked my truck leaving everything in there for the night and headed inside. I already had the code to my door lock so that was a relief. My bed was already set up along with some of the furniture. I could cry right now from those movers kindness. They could have just thrown it all in here, but they were nice enough to take the time even after their long drive to set some of the furniture up.

I looked around my apartment, then made my way over the to the wall that was basically just a window and looked out at all the lights of my new home. Was it temporary or was it forever? I'm not sure, but I'm excited to find out!



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