Chapter Twenty Seven

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I woke up to my phone ringing and quickly answered it before it woke up Liam. As I answered the phone I went to peek over at him to see if he was still asleep instead I found the other side of my bed empty. Maybe he's just in the bathroom or eating?

"Please tell me you were not just sleeping?" Sandra laughs.
"Hey, Sandy. What's up?"
"I have a question." She stated.
"Okay, what's your question?"

She took a deep breath.

"Can I come visit you?"
"Of fucking course you can!"

We both squealed and started planning on the day that she flew in. It was already Wednesday so she'll be here in two days. She's going to be flying in and will be here on Friday. After I got off the phone with her I texted the group chat telling them my cousin was coming up to visit. They were excited and couldn't wait to meet her. The only person that didn't answer though was Cara. She must be busy at work.

I got out of bed phone in hand and walked to the kitchen. It was empty. When I looked to the bathroom, the door was open and the light was off. Did he leave? I look down at my phone to see I had a text from Liam.

Liam: I'm sorry I had to leave before you woke up. I had to run home and change for work. I didn't want to wake you. Have a good day.

I smiled while texting him back.

Aspen: That's okay! I didn't see your message until I realized you were gone lmao. Have a great day!

I put my phone away, got dressed, then headed to go to the Remington house. God! Sarah and I really have to find a nickname sooner rather than later. The Remington house is a mouth full. I texted Jenn to let her know that I was on my way and she texted back quickly.

JennyPooh: Girl, you best hurry! You're missing the show lol!

I decided against texting and driving and placed my phone back down. I wonder what she meant? I was answered 15 minutes later when I pulled up to their house and seen a bunch of clothing, shoes, feminine products, and suitcases lying in the yard. I looked around confused walking up to the porch. What the hell is going on?

My answer some what came to me when Bash came out side and threw a trash bag into the yard. He was pissed, but under all that anger I seen hurt. May came out on the from porch as I finally took the last step and pulled me to the porch swing.

"We have to whisper." She said while looking to Bash who just threw more stuff out the door.
"What is going on? Is that Cara's stuff?"

She made a disgusted face while looking out to the stuff on the lawn.

"Yes." She simply stated.
"Okay? So why is Bash throwing it outside?"
"Cara's been cheating on him for a month and he just found out. Turns out she's just been using him recently for a place to stay." She answered shaking her head.
"That's fucked up. I would never have thought Cara would do such a thing. How long have they been together?"

She seemed to think about it while counting on her hands.

"About 10 months." She stated casually.

My eyes widened.

"Wait, they've only been together for 10 months and she already moved in?"
"Yeah, when they hit their two month mark she got kicked out of her apartment and he let her stay here." She shrugged.

That got me thinking how long everyone has actually been together. Would it be rude that I asked?

"That was nice of him, but wow.. that's.. why would she do that?"
"I honestly don't know. Everyone was just as shocked as Bash was. She isn't as innocent and nice as she comes off. They fight a lot more than everyone realizes." She exclaimed while watching Bash throw more of Cara's stuff out.
"Is it bad that I lost all respect for her and I don't want to have her around me anymore? Like I feel like if she could do something so wrong to him that she would do it to us."

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