Chapter Twenty One

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Its been a whole week and I'm so ready for my date's with Gage tomorrow and Sunday. He has been texting me some throughout the week. It wasn't maybe one or two text a day, but it's okay. Maybe he just really into texting like that. A lot of people are like that.. I think?

I began texting Sarah telling her about what I'm going to where. I only told them about how Gage and I had dates lined up for this weekend. I never actually told them where. Sarah helped me with my outfit to lunch while on FaceTime.

Sarah chose a black top and I chose my white cardigan over it paired with blue skinny jeans and black knee high boots. I think we did a pretty decent job if I say so my self. I'm meeting Gage at Ludvig's Bistro. It was a cute restaurant in town that I have been eyeing for a while. I just never really had an excuse to go.

After getting dressed I head out the door with my purse, phone, and keys in hand and make my way to the restaurant. When I arrived I met him waiting by the door. He looked a little uncomfortable, but I didn't want to mention it incase he was just nervous.

We went inside and were seated. The waitress asked for our drinks and left quickly after promising to be back shortly with our drinks and to take our order. I smile at him while he just smirks at me. Why do I feel so uncomfortable now. Am I nervous?

"How was your week?"
"It was good. Just another week of working? How about you?" He asked finally smiling some.
"It was good. I only work on Tuesday and Thursday since the hospital burnt down."
"Damn. I heard about that. I'm sorry." He stated sounding pretty genuine.
"It's okay. Sometimes things just happen, you know?"

We both look to the waitress who brought him his beer and me a mountain dew.

"What can I get for you two today?" She asked looking to Gage and practically ignoring me.
"I'll take the grilled spicy beef skewers." He answered with a smile that he hasn't even given me yet.

Okay things definitely seem different with him. No maybe I'm just assuming. That's wrong of me.

"And what can I get for you?" She asked giving me a smile as well.
"She'll have a salad." He answered for me.

I raised my eyebrow at him at the same time the waitress did. Did he really just fucking do that?

"I figured it would be light on your stomach incase we get ice cream later." He smiles to me to cover up.
"Of course. I'll have a small Cesar salad, please?"

The waitress gave me an 'are you sure look' that I returned with a reassuring smile. She jotted it down on her pad and left, but not before giving Gage a dirty look. I look back at him with a smile. I'm just going to ignore he did that. Maybe he was just looking out for me? What the fuck am I talking about? That was weird as fuck.

"Sorry about that. I just didn't want you to get sick if we had dessert." He smiles.
"It's no problem. I was going to get the salad anyways."

I'm not lying though. I really was, but he didn't know that.

"It's like I read your mind then, huh?" He chuckled.
"I guess so."

We ate our food in the most uncomfortable silence, but talked more about our week after we were finished. He told me about how he works for his great grandfather's fishing boat company. I guess it's his dad's now and eventually it will be his. When the waitress came back to ask if we were ready for dessert he just asked for a bill. When she walked away he made up another excuse.

"I'm so full I couldn't eat no more." He said rubbing his belly.

This guy...

"Can we just have the check?" He asked her.
"Will this be together or separate?" she asked me instead of him this time.
"Separate, please?"

She smiled and walked away and when I looked to him he didn't look too happy, but tried to hide it.

"I just don't want you to feel responsible for paying for me."

He just smiled at me and I could see the anger slowly start to dissipate as we waited for the check. We both paid our bills where I left the waitress a $30 tip and he left her a $5 tip. Pay what you want, but I'm gonna take care of the people who serve my food.

When we walk out he grabs me by the hand and turns me to face him. I smile at him as he smirks at me.

"I had a good time." He lies.
"Me too."

You're damn right I'm lying.

"So do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?" He smiles, but I can tell he's begging me with his eyes to say yes.
"I would like that."
"Great. Can't wait." He says.

He hugged me, then we went our separate ways. I went straight home, then called Sarah. She didn't like that he ordered my food for me as much as I didn't, but we both agreed that maybe he was just trying to be a gentleman. We ended up laughing at thinking that way and she told me not to even bother going out with him tomorrow, but I had already told him I would. I would feel bad if I didn't go out with him. I finally got off the phone with her and laid in bed.

Might as well see it though and if tomorrow doesn't go well, I'll just tell him that I think its best if we remain friends or whatever. I swear if tomorrow goes shitty I wouldn't be mad if we never spoke again. Finger's crossed that today was just a small hiccup.



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