Chapter Three

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I've been in Alaska for a few day's now. I spent the first day unpacking and getting my apartment set up the way I wanted it. The second day I went out and got food, then went back out to buy stuff that I'll need for my home. I got a bunch of kitchen stuff, living room items, hygiene stuff, bathroom stuff, and a shit ton of decorations for the whole apartment. Currently, I'm going to the hospital to apply for a nursing position that just opened up. It didn't give many details, but I'm going for it.

I pulled into the hospital and looked around. It wasn't too big, but it wasn't too small either. It was a perfect size. I got out of my truck after grabbing my purse and checking my make up, then locked the doors. I don't ever wear too much make up. Only blush, a little eye shadow, eye liner to make my green eyes pop out, and top it of with mascara.

I open the door and walk up to the receptionist with a smile. She looked up to me a smiled back.

"Hello. My names Aspen Boone. I'm here to meet with Dr. Wade about the nursing position that just became available. I was told to just speak to whoever was working reception and you'd let them know I was here."
"Okay! Ms. Boone, 12 pm job interview. Floor 2. You'll be going to the office. Take these elevators to your right up to the second floor. Whenever you exit go to the left and follow the hallway all the way down. It will be the second door on your right. Okay, sweetie?" She asked with a motherly smile.
"Thank you! Have a great day."
"It's no bother, hun. You too and good luck!" She stated.

I smiled and headed for the elevators gripping my purse. As soon as the doors closed my nerves started to go haywire. I was anxiety ridden at this point. I prayed last night that I got this job. Technically according to my bank, I wouldn't have to work for a long time, but thats not me. I can't just sit around and twiddle my thumbs. Nursing is what I love to do. It feel's nice to help people in need.

The doors opened up and I stepped out. Okay, I can do this! Left! I turned left and walked down the hall all the way to the end until I got to the second door on the right. Before I could knock, the door slowly opened with my hand mid air. A beautiful woman faced me, then smiled.

"Hello. Are you Aspen?" She asked.
"Uhh.. yes ma'am. Dr. Wade?"
"That's me! Come on in." She laughed.

I followed her into the room, shut the door, and took a seat.

"If I'm being honest, You're not what I expected."
"Because I'm a woman and a doctor?" She said raising an eyebrow.

My eyes went wide and I shook my head no.

"Because you're last name is wade. For some reason I thought it was a mans first name."
"Oh, I get that a lot. I was just messing with you." She laughed.
"Oh thank heaven's."

I sighed and pulled my folder from my purse. It was basically holding my resume, nursing license, and experience.

"I wasn't sure if I would need this, but I brought them anyways. My last job made copies of them."
"Let's see what you have there." She smiled and reached for the folder.

I laid it in her hand and she opened it to read my papers. She has an excellent poker face, that's for sure.

"Impressive. If you don't mind I'd like to ask a few questions." She stated while scooting closer to her desk.
"I don't mind at all."
"Great! So I see that you've worked at two different hospitals. Why did you quit from the first place?" She asked placing her chin in her hand to look like she wasn't judging me.

I smiled at the act and crossed my legs to get comfortable.

"The first hospital I worked at was where I was placed. I went through a program to get my license and one of the perks were a job placement. The hospital that I was placed at was a great hospital with great staff, but I won't lie. The doctors and some nurses were very rude. They treated us newbies like we were.. incapable of doing the job. We barely got to do anything and when we tried we would be pushed out of the way."

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