Chapter Eleven

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It was the next morning and I rolled over to silence my phone. It had been going off like crazy since 9 am. I finally got tired of hearing it and picked it up. I had 10 missed call's and 35 text messages from our group chat. I'm sure they are pissed that I left after drinking. Right as I opened the messages Sarah called.

"Girl, did you just wake up?" She laughed.
"Liar! What happened to you last night?" She asked curiously.
"After everyone left I was in the hot tub alone. I decided to go to sleep, but everyone was sleeping everywhere so I just went home."
"Are you sure that's why you left?" She asked hesitantly.
"Yes? Why else would I have left?"
"I don't know. I felt bad this morning when I realized I left you alone with Liam, then Tony stole your place to sleep." She said.

I smiled at her through the phone. She is so sweet.

"Sarah, I'm an adult. If I wasn't comfortable being alone with him I would have never played the game. Also I wasn't upset. You needed it."

We both laughed until someone snatched the phone from her.

"You better not drink and drive ever again, do you hear me?" Tony said in a serious tone.

I won't lie.. I was intimidated for a second by that clown.

"Yes, Dad. Except I was sober when I left. I wouldn't have driven home if I felt like I wouldn't have made it safely."
"Good. You're still on my shit list." He stated, then handed the phone back to Sarah.

She kicked him out of the room with a laugh, then squealed.

"Oh my God, Aspen. He has skill's." She stated.

I just knew she was blushing right now, but instead of messing with her I decided to be supportive.

"Oh really? Do you think this could lead into something else."
"Ehh I don't know. I honestly wouldn't mind it, but I don't know if that's what he wants. I'm open for anything." She sighed.
"You never know unless you talk to him, Hun."
"You think?" She asked.
"I know."

She got quiet as if she was thinking, then changed the subject.

"Enough about me. What happened after I left last night?" She asked interested.

I told my partner in crime everything that happened including him storming off. She was irritated that he had acted like such an immature douche bag.

"Hey, at least he took no for an answer and was gentle man enough to hand you your bikini back." She mentioned lightly.
"That's true. I hold no ill feelings about it. I know he was just sexually flustered."
"Or its because he's not used to girls like you." She giggled.
"What do you mean girls like me?"
"Girl, that man is used to girls begging for him and dropping at his feet. His ego was probably knocked down a couple of notches when you denied him." She stated, then laughed.
"He could use the ego kill."

We both eventually started talking about the snow boarding trip some until she got off the phone when Tony came back. That girl has him wrapped around her perfectly manicured finger and she doesn't even realize it. She will see it soon enough.

I caught up in the group chat and told everyone that I was going to stay in for the day to clean my apartment up. It didn't need it, but I still wanted to stay home today. I needed to hydrate anyways due to last night. This hang over was killer!

Maybe another reason I wanted to stay home was because I just didn't want to see him. I know I told Sarah that I was basically unbothered, but that doesn't change the fact of how guilty I felt. The guilt started to die away when I remembered her words about how girl's act towards him. I started feeling a little better and decided to get up and shower to start my day.

I spent my day cleaning, doing laundry, then ended it with ordering sushi. I got caught up on Fooster's and Neebs new videos, then went and laid down in my bed. When I unlocked my phone I seen that a new number had messaged me.

Unknown: Hey, Reckless.

I realized that it was obviously Liam right away and saved his number under Sour Puss. I actually didn't expect him to message me.

Aspen: How did you get my number?
Sour Puss: I might have snagged it from Ian's phone.
Aspen: That's not creepy or anything.
Sour Puss: I'm joking. I got it from May lol.
Aspen: Mhmm.. whatever you say.

I laid my phone down and went to get a drink. When I came back it was ringing. The phone had his name across the screen. Ugh no. Why is he even calling me? I waited for it to go to voicemail, then checked the messages again.

Sour Puss: I was just wondering if we could talk about last night. I really feel like I need to apologize or something.

Why does he feel the need to apologize? I read the last message he sent.

Sour Puss: I'm just going to call you. It's the least I can do since it's not in person.

Ahh so that's why he called. How can someone be such a douche and a gentleman? Again! He's so fucking hot and cold.

Aspen: Shit sorry. I went and made a drink, but hey? Don't worry about it. We're adults, Liam. I understand you were just sexually frustrated. No apology needed. We're good.

I went to put my phone down to go to sleep when he replied back. Geez that was fast. It's almost like he was sitting there waiting for me to reply. Why is he so nice to me all the sudden? I don't get it or trust it.

Sour Puss: That still doesn't make it okay.
Aspen: Like I said, we're adults and I understand. No harm done. Either change the subject or I'm going to sleep.

I hope he doesn't thing I'm mad. Wait.. what do I care what the fuck he thinks?

Sour Puss: what did you set my contact name to in your phone?
Aspen: Sour puss. What did you set my name to?
Sour Puss: You really have to think of a new nickname. That one is so laaame. I set yours to icy tits ;)

I choked on my drink as I read the last sentence, then burst out laughing. What the fuck?

Aspen: I'm not gonna lie. I didn't expect that. Lmaoo
Sour Puss: It was a toss up between that and tequila, but I liked icy tits more. Now change my name. Im not a sour puss.

I thought about it for a second before the funniest name popped into my head.

Aspen: There I changed it, but that doesn't change the fact that you actually are a sour puss like 24/7.
Kitten: That was too fast. What did you pick?
Aspen: It's not bad! Goodnight, Kitten.
Kitten: Oh fuck right off. Change it back lmfao!
Aspen: Nope! Goodnight :)
Kitten: Goodnight, asshole.

I laughed then placed my phone on my charger. Ew! Why do I feel so giddy? No no no! He isn't getting away with the way he always acts hot and cold towards me that fast.



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