Chapter Thirty One

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Us girls all took one more shot of yep you guessed it... tequila. I swear Sarah want's me to fuck Liam. Too bad. After we finished the shot, Sarah and I moved to the corners we always sit in as Sandy sat in between us. Tony and Liam were in their normal spots as Bash sat between them. This was going to be interesting.

"We haven't properly met without all the loudness. I'm Liam." He smiled to Sandy.
"Sandy, but you guys can just call me San." She introduced back.

Everything got quietly as us girls looked to each other. Why is it so awkward. This is not how it was supposed to be. We got to turn this around. I have a feeling the awkwardness is coming from Bash and Sandy not knowing how to approach things.

"Sandy, you remember Bash, right?"

Bash looked mortified for a second since their first first meeting wasn't the best since he showed up to my apartment a sad drunken mess. Sandy noticed his reaction and pulled out her best trick. Lying.

"Not exactly. I've already met so many people?" She asked.
"The other night when he stopped by the apartment."
"Birdie, I was drunk. I don't remember anything except that you bought me pizza." She giggled.

Liam turned to look at me due to the nickname she used, but I was to distracted with how well she lied. I think Bash knew she was lying, but he seemed to appreciate her act of kindness.

"Oh, it's okay. We'll I guess this is considered your first time actually meeting him, then."
"I guess so." She smiled.
"Thank god for that." Bash joked.

I picked up my phone to check the time when a message from Liam came through. I held back the laugh when I remembered I changed his name back.

Kitten: Birdie?
Aspen: It's a nickname my parents used to call me since I was a baby. Since we grew up as sisters basically, she picked up the nickname too. She's the only one that calls me that.

I sent the text and put my phone down while sending him a sweet smile. He returned it, then I winked at him. His eyes narrowed as he scanned us three girls. Like I said before. He knows.. but they don't. He rolled his eyes to me and leaned his head back. I looked to Sandy, then to Sarah who was talking to Tony. Sandy smiled to me as she scooted closer to me. I seen Bash watching her from the corner of my eye.

"What's wrong?"
"I kinda want a popsicle." She smiled innocently.

Both Liam and Tony groaned, Sarah and I laughed, and Sandy and Bash looked confused.

"I'll go get them. What flavor do you want?" Sarah asked.
"Surprise me." Sandy answered, then turned to me in question.

I pulled her closer to me an whispered what happened before with the popsicles causing her to smirk at me.

"Baddie." She whispered.

I winked at her as Sarah came out with three popsicles in her hand. They were all coconut flavored I think. She passed us our popsicles which we all sucked silently. I looked over to Tony who was shifting in his seat while Sarah pretended not to notice. Bash was starring into Sandy's soul if it was possible and what did she do to tease him? Oh, she wasn't playing the little innocent stranger. She was staring him dead in the eye's while she slowly sucked her popsicle. I looked to Liam and he was annoyed for sure. He of course had his signature look plastered all over his face. Straight line for lips and narrowed eyes. Sometimes I forget his eyes are naturally not narrowed from how much he does that.

"That's it. I'm not sitting through another night of y'all games. Sarah, if you want me, you know where I'll be." Tony stated standing up, climbing out of the hot tub, then walking inside.

I looked to Sarah knowingly as she watched him leave. She's about to follow him. She looked to me with a devilish smile.

"Throw my popsicle away on your way out?"

She stood up and walked over to me. She kissed my cheek, then headed out of the tub and into the back door.. and then there were four.

I looked to Sandy as she looked to me. She slid into Sarah old spot and Bash followed by sliding into Tony's old spot.

"So, San. What do you do for work?" Bash asked making conversation.
"I'm a CNA, but I'm currently looking for a job. How about yourself." She answered.

Bash looked at me with fake hurt.

"You didn't tell her how I'm your hero?" He joked.
"Oh, right. When that one guy beat my ass Bash's coworker Dan saved me, then called Bash who made sure the guy went away for a long ass time by slamming him with every charge he can thing of."
"Hey, fuck Dan. He's a dick. I'm the true hero." Bash laughed.
"Why of course! My hero!"

We all laughed, then Bash spoke again.

"I'm a cop. Nothing too crazy." He smiled to her.
"I think that's kinda cool. You know I used to date a fire fighter. Actually Aspen and I both did." Sandy stated.

Now it was Liam's turn to look fake hurt.

"So you're telling me i'm not your first fire fighter?" He stated wiping away a nonexistent tears.
"That's okay. He'll be the only firefighter you'll ever remember." Bash stated sticking up for his older brother.
"Damn right." Liam stated.
"I don't know. These guys were pretty fucking hot and wild in bed." Sandy teased.

That shut them up and I looked to her as she just winked to me. I honestly figured this would make them mad, but I just let her go with it. She knows how to fuck with a mans mind.

"Oh, please. We could do better." Bash stated while Liam nooded his head in agreement.
"Like I said. I don't knooow. All I know is that these men has us both screaming and I don't know about Aspen, but I couldn't walk straight for a couple of days." Sandy stated then looked to me expectedly.

I have no idea where she is going with this, but this definitely never happened. We never even slept with them. I just smiled and continued the lie. Fuck it.

"Yeah, I was pretty sore."
"Is that so?" Bash asked us both.

We both nodded our heads as Liam and Bash looked to each other. Who knew they could talk with their eyes like Sarah, Sandy and I can. Bash turned to Sandy, then stood up. He watched her the whole time a he climbed out of the hot tub.

"Fire cracker?" Bash called me while looking to Sandy.
"Yes, my hero?"
"If it's fine with you, I'm going to take your cousin to my room now." He stated.

Sandy stood up and looked to him.

"And why exactly would you need my cousins permission?" She asked.
"Respect." He answered.
"Oh, so.. you don't want to ask me and get my consent first?" She asked.

He looked taken back, but before he could answer she looked to me and smiled. Okay, bad ass. She climbed out of the hot tub.

"Show me the way." She stated.

Bash winked at me, threw my cousin over his shoulder causing her to squeal and disappeared into the house. I turned back to Liam who was glaring daggers at me. Oh he was pissed, but damn! He looks hot as fuck right now... and then, there were two.



W/C: 1,287

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