Chapter Nineteen

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Finally!! Fucking finally the storm is over. It ended last for six of the most longest, boring, and lonely days after I came back to my apartment. I can finally leave my home without worrying if I'll make it back or get caught out in the snow storm.

Jenn and the girls called me this morning and told me that us girls and all the guys to have some fun because lets be honest here. We all need it! They decided on throwing a huge party at their house and invited all their friends and some coworkers. Its going to be a big party with around 25 to 30 people. They don't know who all is going to show up yet though.

They asked everyone who was coming if they would all like to pitch in for a bunch of pizza's. Everyone being the nicest people ever all agreed. Ahh I love Sitka. Alaska if filled with the most generous people and I love it!

It took me a few hours to decide what I wanted to wear. I must have tried on 100 outfits before I decided on all black. I chose to wear a white shirt with my black leather jacket, black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees paired with my black boots.

I am excited and I'm actually kind of nervous to see Liam. We didn't leave things on the best of terms the night I got back from their house. He hasn't spoken to me and I haven't spoken to him. Will things be awkward? Will they be like it was before he started getting warm towards me? Will he ignore me? Should I ignore him? What if he talks to me? Should I talk to him?

Ughhh this is so complicating! I don't even know why I care. Maybe I care because I actually like him or maybe I care because he was the first guy I've somewhat been with in a long time. Did I have too many expectations for his actions towards me? I don't think so?

I guess all I wanted was to start things with someone who wouldn't be a helicopter guy, a guy who can admit his flaws and wrong doings, a guy who.. wants me for me? Did he want me for me or was I right about it being just about the sex? I don't know and I wish I did..

I took one more glance in the mirror before grabbing my keys, phone, and black hand bag. If I stayed in my apartment any longer I would probably drive myself mad with so many unanswered questions. Maybe they were meant to be unanswered. I hopped in my truck that I had started and let run to warm up and heat up the truck's interior.

I started my drive on the way to their house, but realized I should probably stop for gas first. While I was pumping gas, I decided to call Jenn and ask if I should bring anything. It only seems right.

"Hello." Her voice sounds through the phone.
"Hey, do you want me to being anything?"
"Ummm no. I think we pretty much have everything we need. Everyone is here already, but you and Sarah." She answered.

Wait Sarah isn't there? I meed to hurry.

"Shit. Let me let you go. I'll be careful, but I have to make it there before her. I'm tired of being the last one late everywhere we go."
"Girl, if you keep it up, you'll be the one funding out girl's trip." She jokes.

I laughed too because she isn't wrong. Even if we got to a bar I'm always the last one. The only time I do win is whenever they come to my apartment or we go to Sarah's. I was finally back on the road and heading back to their house when my gut told me I should just turn around and go home. I was excited though so I ignored it. If something weird happened tonight it is what it is I suppose.

I finally pulled into their drive and noticed that Bash and Diego were already out there standing on the porch laughing and talking to two guy's. Of course they all have one to, but I have officially claimed this spot as mine and no one actually parks here, but me. They love me. I finally get out leaving my purse in the car, place my phone in my back pocket, then clip my keys to my belt loop.

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