Chapter Thirty Two

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I looked to Liam away from the draggers his eyes were shooting to me.

"How sore were you?" He asked in a calm voice.
"Don't worry about it."

He got up and walked over to me, sat next to me, then pulled me to straddle his lap. The whole time his face was masked in calm, but his breathing told me he was mad. I think I like this side of his too much.

"How sore?" He asked again lowly.

I just looked away from him hiding my smirk. He didn't like that. He wanted to me look at him. His actually told me that as he slowly placed one hand on the back of my neck and the other on my throat. He squeezed both hands, but not hard enough it hurt or I couldn't breathe. He wanted me to know he was in control. He turned my face to look to his and the anger was starting to become apparent.

"I won't ask again." He stated.

I raised my eyebrow at him and smirked. He cocked his head, then placed both his hands on my thighs. He studied me as his thumbs drew circled on my thighs. Who knew such a small thing could do so much to me. He finally smirked back.

"I see. There was no other fire fighter, was there?" He asked.
"Oh there was, but I never fucked him."
"Your cousin.. she's...." He smiled trying to find the right word.
"A mind fucker. I know. That's one of her many talents. All I had to do was play right along with her and you fell right in for the trap. It wasn't to make you guys angry. It was to make you guys see it as a challenge."
"Impressive. Too bad, you'll just have to wait, huh?" He smirked.
"Actually, you're the one that has to wait. I'm good."

He smirked at me, then looked down to my bikini.

"So this was my prize, eh?" He asked.
"Yes, do you like?"
"I love." He answered.
"But..." he started as he stood up and sat me back down.
"But what?"
"I'm bored." He answered climbing out from under me then out of the hot tub.

I was a little shocked as he made his way to the back door, but when he stopped walking my brow raised.

"You coming or what?" He asked turned around confused.

I smiled as I got out and wrapped my towel around me. I seen Tony's shirt and smirked as I picked it up while he continued to walk inside. I want to make him mad again. I walked into the house past Jenn and Ian who were fucking again on the couch and jogged up the stairs to his room. When I passed Bash's door I heard Sandy moans and sped up. I definitely don't want to even think about that. Walking into his room, the bathroom door was opened and the shower was going so I undressed as I walked in, then silently climbed in with him.

His head was tilted back as he rinsed the soap from his hair and man was it a sight to see. I placed my hands on his shoulder, then slid them down his body to his abs, then back up to his chest. He looked at me as she water was dripping down his well sculpted body and I had to press me knees together. He noticed as he grabbed my hips and pulled me to switch places with him. I closed my eyes as I tilted my head back letting the water rush down over me rewetting my half dried hair. When I opened my eyes they were met with his. The look he was giving me was not helping my feeling of need go away.

I stepped towards him closing the space between us while keeping eye contact with him. My breathing started to pick up causing my breast to push in and out. He looked down at my pierced nipples, sucked in a breathe of air quietly, then looked back to me. I bit my lips once and he finally sprung into action. He spun me to slam me into the wall next to us, then crashed his lips to mine. This kissed was filled with raw want as one hand squeezed my ass and the other my breast. I moaned into his mouth as he started to tug and pull on my piercing. My moaned seemed to bring him back to reality, since he pulled back. He gave me one last needy look, then climbed out of the shower leaving me horny and hot.

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