Chapter Eighteen

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For the past couple of day's I have been avoiding Liam and sleeping in the bed with Sarah and Tony. It wasn't as weird as I thought it was, but I probably won't ever do it again. Liam was all pissy about it, but I don't give a fuck. He doesn't own me!

Thankfully the storm lightened up and people we in the clear to drive as long as it was necessary. I didn't miss out on the opportunity and told everyone I was going to go home. Jenn told me I needed to stay on the phone with at least one of us while driving home just incase so I agreed and left after grabbing my things and returning Cara's clothes back to her.

I talked to May the whole ride home and let me tell you, I have never been happier than I am right now. I ran from me truck to my apartment, put my door code in, then ran inside. Once I was in the door, May and I hung up and I went to take a hot shower.

I must've spent an hour in there because by the time I got out it was late in the afternoon. I got dressed in my night clothes pairing them with fuzzy socks. I plopped down on my couch and turned the tv on to the weather channel. I can not wait for this storm to be over. I love the snow, but I absolutely hate being stuck in my apartment. Better here than at their house I suppose. There's no Liam here.

My phone started ringing and I noticed it was Tony. Thats weird. He never calls me.

"Hey, you made it home right?" He asked while Sarah was laughing in the background.
"Yes, dad. May didn't tell you?"
"Oh no she did. I just wanted to make sure for myself." He laughed then told Sarah to shut up.

I laughed with her until he cursed both our names and hung up on me. The laugh was sucked right out of my throat replaced with a groan when Liam texted me. Before I even texted him back I changed his name in my phone. He doesn't get a nickname no more.

Liam: Hey..

I thought about what to even say before I just rolled my eyes and sent the same thing.

Aspen: Hey.
Liam: I'm sorry.
Aspen: Right..

I don't believe him for a second. His apologies mean nothing to me if he's just going to keep doing dumb shit. I'm not going to be in a.. whatever we are.. or were.. I don't know. Anyways I'm not going to be in whatever we are if it's just going to be a cycle. Him doing something stupid, me ignoring him, him apologizing, me accepting his apology, then it happens all over again. I'm sorry, but I can't.

Liam: Why do you have an attitude? I'm trying to apologize.
Aspen: What are you apologizing for? Answer that and I'll tell you if I think you mean it or are just saying that.

I watch as his text bubble appear, then disappear. It goes on for a couple of minutes and settles on the text bubbles. Oh! Spoke to soon. They're gone again. Either he doesn't know how to say it or he doesn't know what to say at all. I think its the second one, but I'd be surprised if it was the first one. My phone chimes and I look back to see what he's come up with.

Liam: I'm sorry for not hugging you back.

Wait thats it?

Aspen: That's it? That's why you think I'm ignoring you?
Liam: Is that not the reason?

I can't believe this guy right now.

Aspen: Do you have any idea what you should be apologizing for or are you just pulling shit out of your ass?
Liam: I have nothing else to apologize for. If I do, please enlighten me, then we can get on to you apologizing.

Me? Apologizing to him? FOR WHAT?!

Aspen: You're ridiculous! I've told you countless times what you've been doing wrong and yet you don't think you should apologize for them? Plus, what in the actual fuck do you mean my apology? I don't owe you nothing.

My blood was boiling at this point. Never in my life have I been through this kind of situation and it baffled me that he doesn't even realize how much in the wrong he truly is.

Liam: I'm not sorry for anything else other than not hugging you back and yes you're apology because you literally slept in a bed with your friend and my best friend instead of me.

That did it. I'm so done.

Aspen: Are you even reading what you're writing or hearing what the fuck you are thinking? You are so far into your little bubble that its crazy! How do you not see the attitudes, the assumptions, the glares all towards me okay? Don't get me started on this literal cycle we seem to be in! New flash.. I don't have to apologize for sleeping in the same bed as MY friends. I wouldn't have if you would grow the fuck up and act right. God Liam!

The nerves he has.

Liam: He is not your friend, Aspen. He's my friend who's fucking around with your friend.
Aspen: That right there! That's the shit I'm talking about Liam! You know what? I'm done. Don't fucking text or call me until you can get your shit together.
Liam: Are you serious right now?

You bet your sweet ass!

Aspen: Dead serious. I'm not doing this arguing shit with someone I'm not even in a relationship with. You don't even try to take shit further with me unless it has to do with sex. That hurt!
Liam: Fine! Do what you want!

I roll my eyes and lay back on my bed. I know it was the right thing to do, but why does it make me so upset to do it? Why can't he just grow up?



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