Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Do you have your phone and wallet?" Sandy asked as I straightened out my outfit as Liam pulled up.
"Check and check!"
"Alright, go get em." She smiled, then pushed me out the door.

I smile while shaking my head and went to get in his truck. I swear everyone has trucks. I don't mind it at all though.

"You look beautiful." Liam compliment's me while looking to the road as he drove.
"You haven't even looked at me yet."
"In don't need to." He smirked.
"Oh god, Liam. That was so cheesy."

We both laughed and he quickly looked to me to take my outfit in, then turned back to the road.

"Yeah.. I'm sorry, but I can't even be a gentleman about this. You look sexy as fuck." He states while he keeps looking between me and the road.
"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself."

I was so excited to find out that for our date we were going to the heart lake trail. After the snow storm it stopped snowing and summer has officially started in this sunny moth of June. Now that there is no snow on the ground and the hot sun in the sky the temperatures are around 65 degrees and rarely drops below 51 degrees.

We are going hiking to go sight seeing together. Liam said he's been here so many times with his family growing up to go fishing, swimming, and hiking. He and Tony come fishing here a lot because it's incredibly peaceful. His words not mine!

"So what all will we see there?"
"A lot of thing. Bird's, small animal's, possibly wild bears, and another thing, but that's a surprise." He states.
"A surprise? What is it?"
"Ah ah ah. I can't tell you." He smiles.

I smile back to him, then look back out the front windshield. I sneak glances at him every now and then and I know he's doing the same. I don't know why, but something about his has changed. I like it. He's still the same possessive Liam he was before, but I already had a feeling he was going to remain that way. No matter how much I tell him that I'm not his, that won't change the way he feel's about me.

Who knew that I had that kind of effect on someone. Am I really worth all that kind of attention? What makes me so special? I don't want to change him, but at the same time.. I don't know. I guess I'm kind of honored his head or hell maybe even his heart chose me. I won't hold him to any of his word's or promises that he'll change, but the least I can give him is a chance. If I wouldn't have given him chance who knows the kind of life, even couple of months or years I would miss out on with him. I'm not really a gambler, but he's someone I'm willing to gamble my time and energy away on. He's worth it.

"What are you thinking about?" He ask's looking to me as he pull's into a parking space.
"Nothing specific really. I was just thinking about what all we might see out here and wondering what this surprise would be."

He gave me a look saying 'I know you're lying', but moved on anyways.

"I guess you'll just have to find out." He states, then hops out of his truck.

I get out and follow behind him. He begins to lead us towards a trail. I had to walk a little fast to keep up with him and when he noticed he started to chuckle and slow down.

"It's not funny. You're like a 6'2 giant compared to me."
"It's not my fault you're only what like 5'4?" He laughed while walking faster again.
"Fuck off."

We laughed as I tried to catch up with him again. Eventually we were walking side by side at a steady pace. I had to admit, it was beautiful here! The tree's we're still dusted with snow that hasn't melted yet, the ground still had some chunks of snow here and there, and the smell. Oh man the smell. It wasn't like anything you would breathe in back in Colorado. It was brisk, fresh, cool, and the smell of the tree's just threw it all together.

"I swear if they sold this scent as a wax melt I would buy it."
"This isn't the type of scent that could ever be recreated. Sure they could try to make it smell like the Alaskan air, but this right here.." he trails of as he closed his eyes, tilts his head back lazily, and takes a deep breath in.
"This isn't something anyone could prefect." He finished, then wrapped an arm around my shoulders to continue walking.

I smiled at his statement.

"Maybe that's a good thing. Who wouldn't want to experience this in person?"
"You would be surprised." He smiled.

We walked a little longer as he pointed out his and Tony's go to fishing spot, different places you could swim in the summer, and all of the best picnic spots. The wildlife out here was amazing too. We've seen many deers, squirrels, rabbits surprisingly, and even a couple of coyotes. I didn't even know coyotes would be this close to people, yet that doesn't surprise me either.

"You ready for your surprise?" He asked as soon as we started getting closer to the sound of water running.

I looked at him confused as he pulled me closer to the sound. Eventually we came to a waterfall and my jaw hit the ground. I took a step forward, then stopped. It was beautiful. Indescribable. Magical. Soothing. I turned to Liam with a look of amazement plastered on my face, then looked back to the waterfall.

"Its.. beautiful."
"You have no idea." He states.

When I turn around he was looking at me with a smirk. Oh god, was he really being cheesy right now. I just smile and shake my head, then pull him in for a hug. I could tell it caught him by surprise, but that wore off as fast as it came. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me what I wanted. One of his hug.

We spent the rest of the day sight seeing and laughing all while talking about random things. I've learned that he is a fire fighter. I wont admit it to him, but a fire fighter? That is hot as fuck! I told him some story's of Sandy and I from when we were troubled teens. We were always getting into trouble for something wether it was sneaking out, going to party's, stealing our parents alcohol.. you name it, we've most likely done it.

Liam told me he was a good kid up until he turned 18, then thats when he started turning into the person he was today. He said he parties when he's not at work, he slept with any chick he could, and didn't give a fuck about no one's feelings unless it was his family's.

"So why did you change into this person?"
"Honestly, I couldn't tell you. One day I just woke up and said fuck it, ya know?" He asked.
"I mean I guess. I am here in Alaska."

He chuckled at my words, then turned to me.

"You won't sleep with me unless I get checked, huh?" He smiled.

We spent the rest of our date walking some more, taking pictures, and joking around. It was a great day overall, but we were tired of walking and we're ready for tonight. We started heading back to his truck all while still talking along the way

When we finally reached his truck we drove back to my apartment where we sat in a parking spot for a minutes before he turned to me and pulled me to his lap. He didn't kiss me, hug me, or even try to touch me sexually. He just looked at me. Studying me. I began to get a little uncomfortable and tried to move, but he stopped me.

"Why can't I move?"
"Because I'm doing something." He whispered.
"Well, what are you doing?"

He just smirked, then lightly gave me a kiss. We began kissing and it wasn't full of need or hunger. It was just... soft and delicate. When I pulled back my eyes struggled to open. When my eyes finally met his, it was like another person was sitting, well under me. This isn't the Liam I met all that time ago, no. This is a new Liam. A kinder, gentle, and opening up Liam. I loved it. I smiled at him and pecked his lips.

"I'm going to move now."
"Not yet." He states while wrapping his arms around me.
"Liam, I'll literally see you in under an hour."

I giggled when his hands tightened on me.

"I just really don't want to let go yet." He chuckled.
"If you let me go, I promise to get in the hot tub with you later."

I was now casually walking into my apartment wondering which bathing suit I was going to tease him with later with a smile on my face.



W/C: 1,551

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