Chapter Five

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I spent the morning up until 9 a.m laying in bed face timing Sandra. I really miss her. We talked about my new job, her bitch of a boss, my boss ass bitch of a boss, then my parents. I told her how Jenny and her boyfriend lost their parents too and she was as shocked as I was. You never really know what kind of things you have in common with people until you get to know them more. I decided to start my day finally so now I'm walking out my door now to go to Starbucks. I could kill for a Vanilla bean Frappuccino. I hopped in my truck and put it into my GPS. I think one weekend I just need to fill up on gas, then go driving around to familiarize myself with Sitka. Its so beautiful here. I honestly wish I could have left sooner. Better late than never.

I pull into the parking lot and walk in. Literally the first person I see is the girl that yelled to Jenny out the window. I pretend to not see her and ordered my drink. If she see's me, that's fine by me. I just don't want to be that new girl that inserts herself into their friend group if only one person likes me.

"Hey." I hear her voice ring from behind me.

I turn around and pretend to think and then act as if I remember her.

"Hey! Sorry it took me a second. You're one of Jenny's good friends, yes?"
"Yes. Do you wanna join us? Jenny will be here soon!" She smiles out.

She doesn't give me the time of day to recline or accept before she starts pulling me towards their table. I like her already. Actually.. now that I'm getting a good look at her body and bright blue eyes.. I like her a lot.

"May, you can't just force her to join us." Another girl laughs.

Ohh? May is her name. Ugh! Listen to me sounding like a middle schooler. I sit next to May by the isle. There was 3 girl's across from me and just May sitting next to me.

"Hey. I'm Aspen."
"Hi, Im Sarah." The girl who was sitting in front of me said.
"Hello, I'm Cara." The girl in the middle that spoke to May earlier.
"I'm Melody, but you can just call me Mel." The one by the window said.
"Of course you already heard my name, but I'm May." She smiles brightly to me.

I smile back at her because I just couldn't help it and forced my eyes to break from hers.

"Don't feel bad. We all think she's a cutie." Mel said.

My eyes went wide at her words and a nervous laugh left my lips. Ugh God! I'm so obvious.

"Leave her alone, Mel." Sarah scolded with a light laugh.
"It's okay. If you guys didn't tease me I would feel like you didn't like me."
"If we didn't like you we wouldn't have invited you to sit with us or agreed to come out with you and Jenn tonight." Sarah laughed while pointing out the facts.
"I suppose that's true."

The man called my order and I excused myself. Before I could get up he stopped me.

"No worries, Hun. I'll bring it to you." He said.
"Oouuuh!" All the girl's teased.

I hid my red cheeks from them and joined in on their laughter. The guy brought me my drink and winked before walking away.

"Hey, look! He left his number on the side of your cup and put a heart next to your name." Cara laughed.
"Oh God! That's bold."

We all talked and laughed about random things until Jenny came in and ordered her drink. She finally came over and pushed me and May over.

"Hey, girl. What are you doing here?" She asked.
"I came to get a Frappuccino and May found me, then dragged me on over."
"May!" Jenny laughed.
"It's okay, Jenn. Aspen doesn't mind May dragging her. From the way she looks at her, I think she would follow her anywhere!" Cara joked cause me to groan then put my head on the table to laugh.

Aspen In AlaskaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora