Chapter Nine

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It's been a couple of day's since the hospital caught fire. The whole place was crumbled to pieces. Since we couldn't work at the hospital until they rebuilt it, most staff was left either jobless or transferred to work at another hospital nearby that needed the help. As for Jenn and I, we are currently still seeing our patients on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the office.

We don't go to the other hospital unless one of our patients is admitted there. Only then do we go there. Most of the time I don't go with her because it would be pointless and insulting to the other nurses who are capable and able to care for our patients.

The doctors there are understanding of the possessiveness Jenn has over our patients. Well, they think they understand, but they never will unless God forbid their hospital got burned to the ground like our did. They only have an idea, but that doesn't change the appreciation we have for them.

They think the hospital burned down from one of a few reasons. Either an electrical malfunction, the heating system, or the appliances. When Jenn and I talked about it we were 100% sure it wasn't due to the heating system. If that was the case the fire would have started in the boiler room. We tried explaining that to the chief, but he didn't want to talk about the accident anymore. We think it was from an electrical malfunction. It would explain how the fire traveled though out half of the building as fast as it did.

May isn't mad at me and everyone won't stop calling me super woman or Hero. Its getting old because I just did what anyone else would have done. Well! Besides Liam. I don't think he likes me that much considering he's started calling me reckless. No seriously! He calls me reckless.

Everyone will all be like "Hey Aspen" or "Hey Hero", then you have Liam over her going "what's up, Reckless". Like, bro? Fuck off! I just started calling him sour puss. Not to his face though. We don't talk enough for me to get a chance to. He literally has an attitude whenever I'm around. It's not directed towards me, but I know it's because of me. Whatever. He can suck it! I've never done anything to him!

I shake my head out of my thoughts when I pull into their driveway. Cara called me this morning and told me they wanted to have a get together and the girls all invited Sarah and I. I told them they didn't have to invite me, but they would not stop bugging me about it, then I heard Sarah's big mouth in the back ground telling me to buy booze and that I better not forget the tequila.

That bitch knows what it does to me. I joked with her that she just wanted to get into my pants. I know she doesn't. We just all fuck with each other like that. Whenever I hopped out of my truck I seen Bash and Diego come outside.

"Bash! Diego! My two favorite guys."
"Yeah yeah. Quit lying. We're coming to help already. You don't have to butter us up." Bash laughed.

I held my chest pretending to be offended until Diego gave me a 'cut the bullshit' look.

"Okay. Whatever. Its in the back floor board."

I opened the door and pulled a bag out, then left them to grab the two boxes.

"Jesus, Woman. How much alcohol did you buy?" Bash asked.
"Enough to last you guys a couple of weeks."
"You're gonna help us drink all this tonight, right?" Diego joked.
"Try to keep up."

I was walking towards the porch as Liam walked out. I ignored him and went to step onto the first step when he stopped me.

"Want me to take that?" He asked nicely.

Who are you and what have you done with sour puss?

"It's okay. I figured ya know with me being reckless and all I could do it and try to fall in the process."
"Oh my God." He mumbled with an eye roll.

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