Chapter Thirteen

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It's been a whole two day's since the guy from the bar attacked me. I learned from Dan that his name is Matt Walt. Apparently this isn't his first or second time putting his hands on a female. He is already on probation for it and now home boy is going to prison for what he did to me and on top of that for violation of his probation. Who knew?!

Everyone has been trying to come see me, but so far I've been able to dodge them. I want to tell them, but I don't want them to look at me like I'm weak or unable to defend myself anymore. I don't want that. It was one little incident! Bash texted me this morning telling me that everyone was starting to get worried about me and I felt like shit.

I told him that I decided to call the girl's over to finally sit down and tell them about what happened. I feel really bad about lying to them, but I just needed some space where they wouldn't hover, ya know? Ugh, why does this have to be so difficult?! Even if I would have told them, they wouldn't have given me the time like I needed. I know them. They just wouldn't.

They girl's were all on their way over now and I plan on telling them the truth and also about Tory's change of heart. She knew she was in the wrong for how she acted towards me, but it wasn't just me that she was rude to. It was everyone. I can put in a good word for her, but if she really wanted to make amends with everyone, she was going to have to put on her big girl panties and apologize by herself. I have to give her props though. She didn't have to help when the other day, but she chose to.

There was a knock at the door and I walked over to look through my peep hole. Okay. I can do this! I unlocked the door quietly, then rushed to my room. When there was another knock I yelled for them to come in, then shut my bedroom door. I needed a second.. Now that they were here, the pressure was on. Why am I so scared of how they'll react to me lying instead of how they'll react to my face?

"Aspen?" Cara called for me from the loving room.

I slowly opened my door and walked to the kitchen. I tried to play it off that I was fine, but once May seen a peep of my cheek she rushed over to me and spun me around to face her.

"What the fuck happened?!" She freaked out.

The other girls came over to me and seen, but I just smiled.

"This is the real reason you were staying away, wasn't it?" Jenn asked calmly.

She wasn't mad. None of them were. They were just worried. That's a good start. Right? I sighed and motioned for them to follow me. We all sat down in my living room and fell into an intense silence.

My palms were sweating and my anxiety was kicking in. Sarah noticed my left hand starting to shake and grabbed it before anyone else could see it. I smiled weakly at her and she pulled me into a hug. I started tearing up, but I knew that if I looked weak that they would treat me as such.

"Aspen?" Jenn addressed me.

She looked like she was thinking for a second before she grabbed my other hand.

"Can I ask you some question's?" She asked.
"Was it the day we went to lunch?" She asked with a knowing look.
"Was it the bar guy?" She asked again.

I was quiet for a minute, then looked to her.


She looked down for a minute quietly. When she looked back up to me she had tears in her eyes.

"What's the matter?"
"I'm so sorry I left you." She whispered.
"No! No no no! You have absolutely nothing to apologize for! How could you have known? If anything I do. I lied to you all because I was scared that you all would treat me like I was weak. Bash said.."

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