Chapter Twenty Eight

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Today is the day that I go get Sandy from the airport and to say I'm excited is the understatement of the year. Everyone at the party house had offered to ride to the airport with me, but it wasn't too far from my apartment. Maybe only 25 to 30 minutes and yes Sarah and I have decided to call their house the party house. It was the only thing we could really come up with until we can think of something better.

I pulled into the airport and waited in the pickup line for a little under an hour before I seen Sandra. I jumped out of my truck and we ran towards each other laughing and squealing.

"I missed you so fucking much!" She yelled with happy tears pouring from her eyes.
"Bitch! I missed you more!"

We both started laughing and drying our eyes while loading her suitcases in my back seat. After we got in the truck and situated we started the journey back to my apartment. She watched out the window in awe of all the beauty that Alaska had to offer us.

"I can't believe you moved here. It's so beautiful." She states looking at the mountains in the distance.
"I know. It still blows my mind sometimes, but honestly I couldn't see myself leaving here."

She turned to me with an understanding look and smiled.

"So? When do I get to meet your friends and boy toy?" She laughed.
"Oh God!"
"I'm serious! I'm dying to meet them." She stated.
"Well as you know I have a date tomorrow and afterwards I'll come home and pick you up, then we can go to their house."
"Won't it be kinda late to go after your date?" She asked with a raised brow.
"Nope. Liam and I are going around noon. Even if we didn't go around noon, they're always up late on weekends. I guarantee we could show up at 2 a.m. on a Saturday and they would all be awake either fucking or sobering up. Hell, they'll probably still be drinking too."

She laughed and I joined in knowing how that must sound.

"Oh man! We sound like alcohol party animal's."
"You guy's really do!" She replied.

We finally pulled into my apartment complex and jumped out of the truck. I showed her the passcode for the door and, then let her wander around the house.

"I went and got a bed, bed frame, and bed set for the room you'll be staying in."
"You didn't have to do that, Birdie." She smiled to me.
"You know I'm gonna take good care of you while you're here."

She thanked me as she walked into my room to look around.

"So that's where the magic happens?" She asked while pointing to my bed.
"Psh no. I haven't got any in years."
"You haven't slept with him yet?!" She gasped.

I shook my head no at her as she just looked at me like I was crazy.

"I'm not going to sleep with him until we are official. I'm not just going to give my body to just anybody. You know that's not me."
"I know, but damn. I guess I just thought you would have gave him something. You guy's haven't done anything at all?" She asked astonished.
"Well, yeah. We basically just masturbated together, but that was it. I'm not letting him touch me until he's mine and I'm his official."

She smiled while shaking her head.

"You're a fucking tease." She laughed.
"You're not?"
"Oh, I know I am." She winked.
"Oh, speaking of which, we need to talk about two of Liam's brothers."

She looked at me confused and she sat down next to me.

"Go on."
"There's Kyle and Bash. Kyle is single, but he has a baby on the way. If anyone tell's you just pretend you didn't know which I know you're great at lying so I'm not worried. Then Bash. Him and his girlfriend of 10 months just broke up the other day. He kicked her out whenever he found out she had been cheating for a month on him."

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