21 • awkward

48 6 0

playlist: Euphoria - BTS
word count: 985

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Narrator's POV

never have they all felt this awkward before.

the 9th of them had ordered their drinks and are waiting for their food to be served. usually they would gossip or talk, humming to songs or taking random selfies. but this time, since everyone knows what happened to the 2 ex couple, they felt awkward.

a few silent seconds later, a waitress came by and served their foods. they thanked her and started to eat one by one.

Aeri: im sorry but i hate this quietness.
Taehyung: so what do you want to talk about?
Aeri: anything! just get me out of this quiet atmosphere. i feel sick here.

she said dramatically, some of then smiled and the rest just rolled their eyes, like what Yejun did.

after a few seconds of breaking the silence, they all talked normally again. maybe some are still playing with their phones like Jimin but atleast they are warming up to each other again.

the girls were all laughing about a school joke, Taehyung and Jungkook not understanding anything about that certain joke while Jimin is still scrolling through his instagram, feeling nervous about the atmosphere.

when he heard them all laughing, he looked up from his phone screen and his eyes immediately stopped at a certain girl laughing..

'she's beautiful..' Jimin though to himself, 'atleast you're happy, im sorry Da.'

'id have you back if i can, but im not sure if you would want that.' he thought again.

he was still staring at Dahyun when Jiyu nudged his shoulder causing him to flinch a little and turn his eyes to Jiyu instead.

she went closer to his ears and whispered,

Jiyu: your staring too much, she'll notice.

she said with a smirk, Jimin rolled his eyes, still smiling.

they drank, ate, talk, and gossip about random school stuffs until it was time for them to head back home.

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most nights, all the girls would meet at one house and some what study together. the 3 elders would teach the 3 younger about their collage lessons.

tonight they were going to the 3 younger girls apartment.

Jiyu: what did you guys go here with?
Aeri: uber.

Aeri said and Jiyu nodded, she turned her look to Yejun,

Yejun: i went to the cafe in uber with these 3 and left my car at their apartment cause i thought we would be going there again.
Jiyu: well then, lets just use my car and try to fit our lives there!

the others just stare at her in complete disbelief but still go with it.

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Jimin: Jiy.. stop thinking dumb, we wont fit..
Jiyu: shut up you, we can fit!

they played rock paper scissors to see who will drive and another round to see who gets to sit i the passenger seat at the front.

Jiyu will drive and Yejun will sit at the shotgun seat.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook taking the very back seats and the rest 4 girls sitting in the middle.

the middle row seaters had the worst ride ever. it was a very squishy and cramped ride all the way to the 3 girls apartment. their hips hurt, body squished to each others.

as soon as they arrived, Aeri ran out of the car and ran into the apartment lobby sitting on one of the couches.

one by one they all went out of the car and slowly walked inside the building.

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Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin were last since they were in the back seat.

Taehyung: hey Jimin, you know what? you really should try and talk to her. everyone knows how you actually still like her, and maybe she still do too.
Jungkook: yea hyung, im like 80 percent sure she likes you still.
Jimin: then what about the 20%?
Jungkook: she moved on from you?

Jimin just stare at Jungkook, being weirded out.

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Chaeyoung: unnie, you should talk to him.. you still like him and we know he do too.
Tzuyu: i mean i guess you two can make things work again.
Jiyu: yeah Da, you should give it another go if anything happens.
Dahyun: dont you think we're moving a bit too fast? i literally just saw him like an hour ago, after 2 years being gone.

she said sadly..

Yejun: you dont have to date right away. be friends again, be comfortable around each other. maybe after a few weeks to a month you can maybe start new again.
Jiyu: im sure he wont leave again, he's an adult, he can make his own decisions.

Dahyun poorly thinks about what she should do.

at one point she really wants to get back again with him. feel and do all the things they had back then.

but on another point, shes scared. scared of another heartbreak. that he will leave her again. or maybe this time, shes the one who's supposed to leave. she doesnt want that to happen again. she doesnt want them to separate after building a love wall together.

should Dahyun try talking to him?
should Jimin try talking to her?

should they start being friends again?

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author note: everything is going too fast but like idk anymore, my brain lost all the focus sorryyy

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