36 • distanced

35 4 0

playlist: Butterfly - BTS
word count: 982

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Narrator's POV

fun fact! Eunrae still doesn't know that Jimin and Dahyun are dating!!

Jimin felt bad if he denies so he agreed. he asked Eunrae if he could invite Dahyun too but Eunrae declined his decision..

so of course at the end, even though he is going with Eunrae, he said it to Dahyun first, which she didnt really agree to and has a bad feeling into it but gave up at the end..

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Dahyun's POV

he's never there, he's never here anymore.. its like he disappeared, even though he's sometimes next to me.

i dont get it, i feel like we've grown apart, again, for the second time in life.. i dont see him 24/7 anymore. i see him like 4 days in a week and the rest its just like he's gone.

we are pretty much distanced by now.. ever since those 3 youngest girls came along. Jimin hangs out with Eunrae more than he hangs around with his own girlfriend, me.

its kinda bothering me, but i dont know..

i dont even know if im still his girlfriend or has he changed the label for Eunrae now.. maybe he's cheating on me and i dont know about it.

i probably dont even know who he is anymore.. he.. changed.

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Narrator's POV

he doesnt hangout with Dahyun as much anymore. they dont share lovely kisses as much ad they use to.

they 2 lovers usually gives each other kisses every time they see each other, even though it was 5 seconds ago, they would still do it again.

they still do hugs sometimes, but to Dahyun it doesnt feel enough anymore. she feels like there's something missing but she doesn't know where thats coming from.

little did she know, that something missing is actually.. Jimin's love..

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the 2 lovers(?) were sitting down on the couch of Jimins apartment, talking.. Dahyun wanted to hangout with her boyfriend, but Jimin had other plans.

that other plan of his is to hang out, but rather than hanging out with his girlfriend, he chose to hangout with the new girl, Eunrae..

Dahyun: why do you keep of hanging around with her now?

Dahyun asked her boyfriend in an annoyed tone..

Jimin: because i feel bad if i deny her hang out request..

Jimin nonchalantly said to his now sad supposedly girlfriend..

Dahyun: you dont even take me on a date anymore ever since she came along.
Jimin: ive been busy, im sorry.

Dahyun stared at Jimin, tears starting to form in her eyes..

Dahyun: am i even still your girlfriend?

Dahyun mumbled quietly but it was loud enough for Jimin to hear. Jimin turned his head towards Dahyun and stared at her, confused..

Jimin: what are you saying?
Dahyun: what im saying is that.. DO YOU EVEN S-STILL LOVE ME?!

she yelled at her boyfriend(?).. tears starts to slowly fall from her eyes, sliding through her cheeks.. after a while the tears starts to rapidly falls, seeing how her boyfriend doesnt even do anything to her cryings...

Jimin sighed, she went closer to Dahyun and engulfed her in a tight hug. the plan was to comfort his girlfriend but to Dahyun, this doesnt feel as comforting as it use to be.

to Dahyun.. this feels like a hug from a friend, just a friend, nothing more..

'what's happening to us?' Dahyun thought to herself, still sobbing in Jimins shoulder.

a few minutes after, she starts to calm down and broke the hug with Jimin. she doesnt know what to do anymore.. Jimin didnt even answer her question..

Dahyun stared at her boyfriend right in the eyes..

Dahyun: tell me honestly, do you even still love me?

he didn't answer

Dahyun: do you like me?

he didn't answer again

Dahyun: do still have feelings for me?

and again, he didn't answer

Dahyun: or do you just feel bad for me so you're still with me rather than with Eunr-..

Dahyun hasn't even finished her sentence when Jimin harshly claimed her lips.. it was a rough kiss..

Dahyun didn't respond to the kiss at first, but gave up at the end and she gave in. she may have gave in, but what do she actually feels inside..

does she still feel the love, or is this all pity from the past? she doesnt actually know..

Dahyun was first to pull away from the kiss. she doesnt dare to look at Jimin straight in the eyes. if she looks there, its a high chance for her to cry again.

Jimin: look me in the eyes..

Jimin sternly says. Dahyun's extremely scared at first but at last, she gave up at looked at her boyfriend in the eyes.

it has been so long since they've been this close to each other for more than a minute. usually, after they exchange kisses, they pulled away and do their own things.

its not everyday anymore when they get to stay in each others arm and have some silence surrounds them..

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author note: 3 more chaptersssss!,$;83&/@&;' idk if i should be excited or not. probably excited cus im not a big fan of this book and i have a lot of plot in mind for other books..'didkdldoldicbrks

yuzzzz <333333

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