26 • skate

38 5 0

playlist: For Youth - BTS
word count: 1044

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so when you gonna tell her
that we did that too
she thinks its special
but its all reused

Dahyun took a deap breath and exhaled it after a while..

that was the show
we talked about

played you the song
shes singing now
when shes with you

do you get deja vu when shes with you? ~
do you get deja vu?
do you get deja vu?

Jimin finally realized that Dahyun got all tensed up from the song, so he reached out to press another button to skip the song but a hand stopped him.

strawberry ice cream in malibu
dont act like we didnt do that shit too
youre trading jackets like we used to do
yeah everything is all reused

he looked at his side still being cautious on the road and saw Dahyuns hand stopping him to skip the song. she just smiled at him clearly telling him that its fine even when he knows its not.

play her piano
but she doesnt know
that i was the one
who taught you billy joel

so he continued to drive and focus on the road but not forgetting to take the hand that stopped his and entangled it with his own. and place the entangled hands on Dahyuns lap who got flustered from the touch.

a different girl now
but theres nothing new

i know you get deja vu...

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after all that, the car ride went back to normal. no heart breaking and whatever songs anymore. their hands were still tangled together until they parked.

Jimin: wait here dont move

he said to the girl who's sitting next to him. Dahyun just nodded and watched Jimin walked around the car and went to her side.

opening her car door like a gentleman, like how other would have done it.

Dahyun: aw thanks

she teased Jimin who playfully rolled his eyes with a smile on both of their faces.

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ice skating,

ice skating is the topic for todays date

Dahyun: can you still skate?

Dahyun suddenly asked while the 2 were walking hand in hand.

Jimin: been a while but itll work.

he said and stopped, peaking at Dahyuns side before continuing,

Jimin: youll just have to catch me when i fall.

he said with a teasing look.

Dahyun: isnt it supposed to be the other way around?

she said back with a smirk on her face, Jimin shrugged playfully and continued walking, hand in hand.

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after getting their skates from the counter, they went to a bench and prepare themselves, wearing gloves and tying their shoes.

while Dahyun is wearing her gloves Jimin finished tying his skates. he went on his knees and helped the other tying their shoes.

Dahyun shyly smiled from the action the other gave. mumbled a quiet thanks after he finished.

they walked to the rink hand in hand, again, Jimin went in first, slowly stepping on the ice then helping Dahyun stepping down on the ice.

they started with skating around the rink normally then they start to play around with each other.

playing catch; almost bumping with other people, Jimin carrying Dahyun and twirling her around; almost falling but since he's that good of a skater he has the balance to stop them from falling.

after a good half an hour of playing around, the 2 went back on skating around the rink with Jimin being in front of Dahyun leading her like a gentleman.

half way through around the rink, a young man around the age of Jimin bumped into Dahyun causing her to fall on the ice.

since Jimin was in front of her, it made him unable to catch her.

(if you guys were expecting him to catch her like in movies would show, nah i dont want that type of romance youll get another type of romance)

she landed on her butt and Jimin turned around seeing her on the ice floor.

the young man who bumped into her lend her his hand saying sorry a couple of times but Jimin did the same.

she thought of making Jimin jealous so she took the strangers hand instead but oh boy that was not a good decision.

after seeing that she took the other persons hand, Jimin rolled his eyes, irritated from the sight and slowly skated away from them and went out of the ice rink.

he sat down on the chairs and took his phone out wanting to completely ignore her.

after saying thanks and all to the stranger Dahyun smiled to herself being somewhat proud seeing a jealous Jimin.

a jilous? Jimin + jealous : jilous? no, never mind..

she went to search for him around the rink but saw no sign of him so she went out of the rink and saw him sitting alone in one of the benches playing his phone.

she walked to him and sat next to him.

Dahyun: why did you go out?

she innocently asked, knowing the reason but wanting him to actually admit it himself.

Jimin: no reason, my legs just got tired.

Dahyun hummed,

Dahyun: mmm, you sure? just that and nothing else?

and he shook his head physically saying no apparently.

Dahyun: youre not.. jealous are you?

she teasingly asked, Jimin looked up from his phone and finally faced her.

Jimin: jealous?
Dahyun: mhm
Jimin: wanna know what i feel?

Jimin asked, rather than staring at her eyes, he stared at her lips. Dahyun felt the intense stare on her lips making her struggle to say a word.

Dahyun: y-yea-h..

he suddenly kissed her

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