23 • friends

41 6 0

playlist: Friends - BTS
word count: 858

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Narrator's POV

apparently the knock was just Jiyu checking up on them.

after Jiyu left the 2 went back to talking. they weren't talking about their love life and all, they were just casually catching up on stuff.

like how is school?

why didnt you finish collage?

how was busan?

and other catching up questions they ask each other. the 2 decided not to talk about their love life for now and start with being comfortable with each other first.

baby steps.

step 1 is to be comfortable and be friends.

which they are starting into.

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at the end they ended up thinking that its okay to just sleep in 1 bed. it also would help gain their comfort around each other.

dont other people do that? well maybe not straight up sleeping with each other, a fee hours after you meet.. but its their style. cant judge them for that.

Jimin: so how are we gonna do this?
Dahyun: lets just do what we use to do back then. just less the labels. we should grow comfort around each other right? i mean if you don't mind though.
Jimin: yeah, sure i don't mind..

they went to their old sleeping positions. Dahyun on the right side, Jimin on the left.

there would be times where they would touch each others skin but that's fine for them.

they were getting comfortable with their sleeping positions, awkwardly staring at the ceiling when Jimin decided to talk.

Jimin: this brings back nostalgic memories..

he whispered, now looking at Dahyun who is still staring at the ceiling. Dahyun sighed remembering their past.

Dahyun: it does..

she whispered back, now looking at him smiling.

Jimin felt really brave at the moment, he placed his palm on the side of Dahyuns face and stroke her cheek.

Dahyun flinched a little, not expecting the others movement. Jimin felt the flinch and retrieved his hand back,

Jimin: sorry i shouldn't have done that.

Dahyun felt bad for flinching, little did Jimin know that she actually like being stroked by him. so she casually took Jimins hand back and place it on her cheeks. she smiled,

Dahyun: no worries, i like it..

she shyly whispered.

Jimin got mentally taken a back a little. a few seconds had gone by and he started stroking her cheeks again.

the 2 were just staring into each others eyes until Jimin saw that Dahyun was getting tired, her eyes are slowly closing.

Jimin: sleep Da.

Jimin kissed her forehead,

Jimin: good night.
Dahyun: you too.

after bidding each other good nights, the 2 finally closed their eyes, not knowing that they dreamed about each other.

••• 🤎 • 🥀 •••

the next morning, Jimin woke up first since Jungkook went into their room and checked up on them.

Jungkook was hoping they were hugging or something but they actually were just sleeping normally like there was a barrier in between them.

after he left, Jimin couldn't go back to sleep so he stared at Dahyun's sleeping face for a few minutes, refreshing back their old memories where he use to see this portrait of her sleeping almost every night.

then he felt like he was a creep so he just went through his phone checking all the notifications and stuff.

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a few minutes later, Dahyun woke up. Jimin felt the bed moved so he turned his head to Dahyuns side seeing her awake.

Jimin: morning Da..
Dahyun: mm??

Jimin chuckled seeing morning Dahyun. she was still adjusting to the lights, still not fully awake to respond.

Jimin: did you sleep well?

he asked, hands stroking her head. brushing her hair away from her beautiful face.

Dahyun: mm..

yes, she just woke up, dont bother her. Jimin chuckled again. smiling like an idiot, just staring at Dahyun adjusting her eyes.

Jimin pretty much forgot that they aren't actually together anymore. maybe he was use to doing all this. forgetting that they broke up.

its fine right? treating your ex like she actually is your girlfriend. even though you had only met each other like 1 day ago..

there was a sudden knock on the door, Jimin retrieved his hand back finally realizing it.

Jiyu: are you guys awake?

Jiyu asked, peeping her head into the room.

Jimin: yeah
Jiyu: come out, lets have breakfast.

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author note: this is what friends do! dont they?

you know how i said 'baby steps' and all.. well too bad, i hate waiting and i have zero patience.

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