Chapter XXXIV: Betrayal

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"Where are you going?!" Honoka shouted at Noah from across the street, her voice drowned in the noise of Shibuya's citizens scurrying around like ants.

Noah wasn't listening. He only walked forward, occasionally stopping to turn right , then left, past the bus station, past the countless clothes' shops, to the safest place he could think of: the ramen shop his new host family was running. He didn't even bother to turn around, for he knew Honoka would always be on his tail.

Noah could hear his own footsteps loud and clear on the concrete, as he walked towards his new home. They resonated within his skull, trying desperately to drown the angry voice inside him.

He had so many jammed thoughts. One screaming at another, the whole lot of them competing for whom to be the most worrying thought.

For now, Noah had his eyes on that perverted angel: Michael. He did not like him at all. He did not like the way he took Hitori's wrist, stealing her away in a mere second. Noah should have gone with him instead, but he wanted to keep an eye on Honoka. Who knew what atrocity she could pull on the ocean-haired girl again?

What a strange couple.

They sure like physical contact a lot.

Noah just didn't like the fact that Hitori was alone with another guy. It made his blood boil, his eyes flared into scarlet, and his whole body went straight into alarm mode. What was this unusual, unpleasant feeling? Since when did he get angry for such silly reasons?

What bugged Noah even more was the fact that Michael was good-looking. He could steal girls' hearts away in the blink of an eye--

And what makes you think Hitori's heart belongs to you? , a small voice inside Noah spoke.

That's right... What was he even saying? When did he learn to speak like this? It was as if a different person was inhabiting his body, thinking in his stead.

He could not ponder for long on this new feeling, for he was interrupted by the sight he was waiting for: the front window of the ramen shop. The glass was decorated with carved pictures of ramen bowls, snake-like curved lines drawn on top of them to give them an even more appetizing look. Eggs cut in half , its yolk in the form of a heart, rested on golden noodles, the green vegetables lined alongside the dish giving it natural vibes, as if it was cooked in the middle of a forest, the trees singing along the chefs to the melody of life.

The front door had a two-way entrance to it: pushing or pulling led to the same result: the door would open, revealing nothing but a dozen linked bar tables with high chairs, lined before a counter that displayed multiple ramen bowls, all having the same components. the counter moved from right to left, the way sushi dishes slid in front of self-serving customers. Whenever an empty bowl replaced a full one on the counter, a chef would appear out of nowhere and put a new bowl on for clients to take.

If Noah wasn't used to the sight, he would have gasped every time he went in. It was all so meticulously organized that no one complained about late orders, no one suffered ill health due to food poisoning, and not a single person passed by Shibuya without hearing of the famous Ramen Shop.

"Noah-chan!" , an old female voice rang in the midst of the endless noise of chattering customers.

Noah turned around, only to see his new caretaker standing at the threshold of the front door, smiling widely at him.

"Hello! Who's your friend?" , she asked, a hint of recognition passed on her face, then disappeared in the blink of an eye. If Noah didn't know better, he would have never seen it.

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