Chapter XLI: A Likely Encounter

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Michael was panting by the time he materialized in his royal chambers. His back was still throbbing when he stood up. The wound sent a wave of electricity down his spine when he walked slowly to his bed. He could barely see where he was stepping. The only view that he clearly saw from the corner of his eyes were the pictures of Lailah decorating every corner of the walls, not leaving a single space free of her beauty.

When his heavy body fell on the cloud-made bed, his eyelids gently closed, coaxing him to a dreamless sleep.

When he woke up later that day, the sun, who was supposed to be his only companion by the big side window on the left, was gone. A midnight sky, illuminated by countless silvery stars shone on the universe. Shy rays of moonlight penetrated his room, only so his bed would be in the spotlight, as if he was in a dramatic play where the main character cried for his beloved to come back to his arms.

He shifted his body to lie on his back, looking back at Lailah's smiling faces in the ceiling.

Today, he failed miserably. Today, a girl escaped from death because of him. A girl who was never supposed to be born.

The Captain of the royal guard slowly got up, noticing that the pain was gone. At least his immortality didn't fail him.

He couldn't help but wonder. What day was it again? How long was he asleep, recovering from a foolish death? Where was his Queen? Where did the human girl go? If she escaped, wouldn't Lailah be already aware of his treason? Why wasn't he arrested? What were they waiting for?

Something must have happened to the girl. Michael thought.

Lailah is a Queen who did not hesitate to imprison traitors, to torure them for all eternity. Yet, here he was, no chains on his wrists, no one by his side, as if nothing happened, as if no one found out. The only witnesses were Cassiel and Hitori. Wy didn't Cassiel report him by now?

Something isn't quite right.

Michael abruptly stood up from his bed, quickly changing into a casual outfit, one that allowed him to move easily and efficiently. A beige cotton-made hoodie with Lailah's name written in katakana, over dark blue jeans and scarlet red denim sneakers. He fished a gold necklace out of his old trousers' right pocket, then, concentrating some of his essence in the tips of his fingers, a golden fire shone on the heart-shaped jewel, burning it into ashes.

"Come to me, Kai"

The pitch black ashes seemed to move inside Michael's palm. Then, as though a phoenix on the first day of its life, the small particles formed a floating ball, then took the shape of a golden heart necklace, with a transparent crack splitting it in half.

As the necklace reincarnated, a man's silhouette materialized in the midst of the dark room.

The man was on his knees, his head low, fixing the floor with closed eyes, his face hidden in shadows, as if the light feared him.

"You called me, Michael?" , a gentle, feminine-like voice, almost as if its owner didn't quite want others to know his gender from his words. A neutral tone, a neutral voice, like...what did the humans call it? Artificial Intelligence?

"I did" , the angel replied, looking at the man from above.

"I have a phone, you know. You could have just called." Kai rose from the floor, he rolled chocolate-colored eyes at Michael. His high cheekbones were blushing a little as if he fell in love with everything he saw. His thin rose lips twisted into an annoyed grimace. His skin was white as snow, his hair the color of walnuts fell on his shoulders carelessly, like a waterfall out of control. He wore a strange looking choker around his neck: pitch black with a gleaming ruby at its center. He wore a simple flannel shirt over a black jacket, green plaid pants over a black converse. He lifted his right hand to his bangs, brushing rebelled locks away from his face. They fell back to their original position, but he paid them no mind as he crossed his arms and tapped his left foot impatiently on the floor, over and over again, waiting for Michael's orders.

"This whole summoning ritual is just you showing off and wasting essence. I wouldn't do that If I were an angel." , Kai retorted.

"Silence!" Michael shouted in whispers. "Keep your voice down, and don't question my methods. My Queen loves a good showcase of power. It's cool, she says. A word I never understood, but is definitely a good thing."

Kai muttered something about idiots, which the angel decided to ignore.

"So, for what do I have the honor of being here?" , the man asked.

"What happened to the girl?" Michael shot back.

Kai tilted his head in confusion. "What are you talking about? I was only in charge of watching the boy!"

"Not anymore." The angel pointed out. "Look for her, tell me where she is, where she went, and what she will do. I cannot approach her anymore. It will raise my Queen's suspicions."

The man only shook his head. A sigh escaped his throat. "I don't think you should be worrying much about the girl's interference with Noah anymore."

Up till now, Michael was gazing at the floor where the moonlight shone, where it stopped at his feet, letting the dark silhouette of his shadow take over. He stopped and looked back at his accomplice, his eyes wide with alarm.

"What do you mean?" Does this have to do with the reason why my actions were overlooked by the other angels?

"Your plan is going smoothly, without you having to dirty your hands."

"Meaning?" , Michael urged.

Kai couldn't help a smirk from illuminating his face. That's when the midnight lights dared to come to his darkness-enveloped body, ascending to his chin, his cheeks, leaving the upper part of his face hidden. Only his smirk and his cat-slit irises shone in the moonlight. He shifted his locks yet again out of his face, however his hand remained up, permanently moving his hair aside. He needed to take a good look at the angel. He needed to show him how genius was the plan he came up with.

The plan of letting the demons do what they have always wanted. What Michael has always wanted.

"They took the boy" , Kai announced, with that immortal smirk on his face. "The demons took advantage of the Queen's absence and took Noah. Imagine what would happen if a killing tool found itself in already blood-stained hands?"

"You mean..."

Kai only laughed. A monotonous, robot-like laughter, one that sounded of pure mockery.

To Michael, it seemed like the man was resembling demons more and more. He wondered whether it was a good idea to cooperate with a human whose soul was burned to ashes by the flames of revenge.

"Noah, the Voodoo Magician, will soon become the most powerful demon of all time. Noah will be the doom of angels, the one who will bring your fall."

Michael made a silent oath to himself, and to his army of angels. When the battle of the Angel Queen against the Demon King comes, he will be there for her.

And if Lailah is unable to kill her own son....

he will be the one to do it.

Kai's laughter was still sounding in the background of the angel's thoughts, ringing in his ears, supplying his body with a new surge of power. He fixed the man with glaring opal irises, blackened by the weight of his own actions.

"Well, Kai, aren't you a proud father?" , he whispered.

Noah's real father grinned. He turned his back to the angel then walked towards the farthest wall. He knew what he ought to do without Michael having to say it. The latter crushed the golden heart-shaped necklace in his hands, and as the shadowed gate appeared on the wall, as Kai headed towards it, Michael could hear his last words, a hissing snake-like voice, more amused than any creature in this threatened universe.

"I am"

Then he disappeared into the darkness. 

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