Chapter LX: A Golden Apple

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On the day the very first humans were born, we were destined to die.

I wouldn't be surprised if I suddenly got reincarnated as a baby and my new parents find out my very first word was Noah.

He is all I could think about.

"Noah!" I ran to embrace him, all the worry leaving my body like poison being purified.

After hearing Typhon's shocking words, we were, once again, cast away from that world I refused to call reality into another one. This time, everything was familiar.

I looked faraway at the empty horizon, the grand green space, completely devoid of trees. The lonely stone-gray well seemed very small in the distance, it still stood like a monster creeping in on us, daring us to get inside it and go through all the suffering again. The blue cloudless sky was immortal above us, any change of weather was unwelcome.

We were inside Typhon's smartphones again.

"What is he trying to show us?" , Noah asked. His gaze was directed not to me, but elsewhere, far ahead to the stone well. I didn't really want to know whatever that demon-slash-oracle wanted to do with us. I wanted to know the why's more than the what's.

When Noah's eyes changed from gray to a dying-leaf yellow color, I immediately knew something was wrong.

We both gazed at the well, which no longer was alone, but accompanied by two humans, wearing nothing but rags.

On the day the very first humans were born, we were destined to die.

My name is Eve.

His name is Adam.

We weren't told to love each other and make more humans.

We weren't warned not to eat an apple from a tree.

We only knew, from a knowledge engraved deep in our newborn cells, that we must never trust each other.

& That's how our story ended.

I don't remember much. My memories are hazy, as if someone made a bad job of erasing them, leaving incomprehensible images behind. I know who I am, but not my age, not my home. I know I was born a female.

And I know that I must never trust anyone.

He comes to me, his eyes lost in my body, exploring every viewable corner of it. I don't mind. I find myself staring at his blue eyes, his silky loose golden locks. His shy beard, not quite abundant, but enough to cover only his chin and the lower half of his cheeks. The chaos in his appearance attracts me. Alas, I cannot trust him.

"Can you speak?" , he asks. A silly question.

I simply nod twice. Because hearing my voice can give away my feelings towards him, something I cannot allow to happen.

I must not trust him. That is the law.

"Do you know where we are?" , he tries once again.

I shake my head. Even if I knew, I would not tell him.

"Hitori", Noah whispered, as if he was afraid to be heard by invisible eavesdroppers inside this untrustworthy world. "We might be so close to a truth no one has revealed before, a truth not even angels and demons are aware of."

He took my hand in his, all shyness gone from his heart, and led me to the couple of humans by the well.

She had a long, blood-tainted mane. Her curly locks reached her lower back, her eyes were as green as the grass we stood on. She radiated pure power, her muscular yet feminine arms and her straight back proof of long years of dedicated workout. Her bare leg muscles seemed hard as stone, ready to run as fast as predators closing in on their prey.

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