Chapter XLIII: The truth about Cassiel

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I'm woken by the sound of chirping birds, louder than I ever remember it to be. My eyes are so heavy, I could barely open them. In the effort, I drift back to a dreamless sleep. Then, little by little, consciousness floats towards me again, as I start to feel my sore limbs and my aching head. The events prior to my awakening are hazy inside my mind as I struggle to remember the last thing that I witnessed.

One word keeps coming back to me, in the midst of my jammed thoughts.


The first thing that hits me is the smell. A strong scent of disinfectant, just like antiseptic products used in hospitals. My heart immediately starts to race at the different possibilities leading to this hospital stay, but I soon get distracted by the truth overflowing my brain like an angry water spirit, and I sit back abruptly, my eyes wide with alarm.

I turn my head from side to side, scanning my surroundings.

Judging from the sunlight coming in from the window, we are in early morning. White sheets cover my lower body which rested on a water bed, or so I thought. I squeeze the mattress, confirming the swelling doubt inside me.

This might as well be a hospital.

The room is round, just like the bed. There are no corners anywhere, just a big glass door that opens on a balcony, right in my direct point of view. On the right sits a beige old-fashioned closet, with twin doors and golden handles that seemed to be cloud-shaped, from this distance. On my left there was a small wooden table, just a circle with three legs. On top sat a golden tray filled with all the fruits I never thought we had in winter. A peeled orange, midnight-colored grapes, pomegranate seeds gleaming like rubies in the shy light of the morning. An ocean-colored liquid inside a white mug lay next to the summer fruits. Written on the mug is a word I never expected to read in a place like this.

My name. My name was carved with black letters on the opal surface. As if I have been here since the beginning of time.

As if they expect me to stay here forever, making a cup for my sake.

The thought sends a cold chill down my spine, and I have to put the blanket around my shoulders to stop it. I swallowed loudly, and decided it was time to explore.

I get up, and the first thing I do is head towards the balcony. I yank the glass door open, and my heart stops at the sceney unraveling before my own eyes.

It is the most beautiful place I have ever seen.

If I am dreaming, I don't want to wake up.

A sun so big I couldn't help but burn my eyes into it. The details of its surface, just like nights with a full moon, were crystal clear. Golden holes dug in its ground, forming shapes of different animals: dogs, cats, reindeers, flying unicorns, and many more. Human silhouettes with wings in their back, flying towards the earth, while other silhouettes stood on it, their arms stretched towards the winged men. A certainty hit me, at that moment, a fact I could bet on with my life: The sun told the story of this universe, and whoever knew how to decipher the signs, will be the king of all living creatures, mortal or immortal.

Strangely, gazing into the sun for so long didn't hurt my eyes. Its lower half is hidden behind the horizon, not wanting to reveal all of the secrets on it. I tear my eyes away from the warm ball of fire, and fix the grounds.

Everything is made of clouds. There is no grass to walk on, no streets of concrete, no rock-built pavements, no cars that constantly roamed the city. Just the chirping of birds, the blowing of winds, almost forming a calming melody. Just the fluttering of wings, angels moving around, going in and out of glass-made houses, reminding me of Cassiel's home. Perhaps she missed the Heavens so much she kept everything that reminded her of it.

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