Drunk As Fuck

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Carlos Sainz POV:

My nervousness wouldn't let me fall sleep in this hotel bed. The thing is that I don't know if am nervous because of tomorrow's race or because y/n hasn't returned any of my calls. So when I hear my phone ringing I look at it hoping it was her but instead it was Fernando. I answer as fast as can.

- ¿Has logrado contactar a y/n? - I ask. (Were you able to contact y/n?)

- No, creo que ha apagado el móvil -  He says. (No, I think she turned off her phone.)

- Es que no me lo creo, ¿cómo se le ocurre desaparecer en una ciudad que no conoce? - I say a  bit angry. (I can't believe it, how can she just disappear in a city she doesn't know?)

- Tranquilo Carlos, talvez se le ha acabado la pila. (Calm down Carlos, maybe she ran out of battery.)

- Espera, escucho ruido en el pasillo. No cuelgues. - I interrupt him. (Wait, I hear noise from the hallway. Don't hang up.)

I try listening the voices from inside of my room and I recognize Charles' voice. I open the door to ask him if he knows where y/n's at when I see them both kissing. I try to stay calm because I don't want to do anything stupid, so I wait until Charles enters his room to go and talk to y/n. She was looking for something inside her purse when she looks at me and smile. I can tell by her face that she is drunk as fuck. That doesn't help calm my nerves so I can't stop myself from yelling at her.

- ¿Por qué no contestas las llamadas? ¿Dónde has estado? -  I yell at her. (Why don't you answer the calls? Where have you been?)

- Cálmate Carlos, que se me ha acabado la pila del móvil, pero Charles me trajo al hotel. - She says while laughing. (Calm down Carlos, my phone ran out of battery but, Charles brought me to the hotel.)

- ¿Cómo no quieres que esté enojado? Mira cómo has llegado. No puedes ni encontrar la llave de tu habitación. - I say while looking for her key inside her purse. (How can I not be angry? Look at you. You can't even find your room key.)

I am starting to get desperate cause I couldn't find her key, when I hear his annoying voice.

- Hey y/n, I have your ke-. Oh, hey mate, what are you doing up so late?. -Charles says coming out from his room.

I don't even look at him, I just grab the key from his hand and open y/n's room. I pull her inside the room but she doesn't let me close the door.

- Para Carlos (stop Carlos). Thank you Charles, see you tomorrow. - Y/n says giving him that stupid smile. 

- Just let me close the door y/n! - I yell at her not being able to contain my anger.

- Wait, is everything okay? - Charles asks confused, stopping the door from closing.

- Is none of your business. - I tell him.

- Calm down Carlos, he just wants to know if I'm alright. - Y/n says while grabbing my shoulder.

- How do you want me to be calm if he brings you all wasted and leaves you here in the hallway alone not being sure if you can even open your door! - I yell and close the door on Charles face.

I look at y/n and I can tell by her face that she is angry, but she is way too drunk that she can't even complain about what just happened.

- Pon a cargar tu móvil que Fernando también está preocupado por ti. - I throw her purse on her bed. (Charge your phone, Fernando was worried about you, too.)

- ¿Mi papá? No, yo amo a mi papá. Es el mejor del mundo y tú, Carlos, mi mejor amigo, te quiero demasiado. No me arrepiento de haberte co-. (My dad? No, I love my dad. He is the best in the world and you are my best friend, I love you so much.)

-Shhh, mejor duerme. Hablamos mañana, porque no estás en tus cinco sentidos. -And I walk out of her room. (Shh, get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow, 'cause you aren't in your five senses.)

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