You want me to ask you out?

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- ¿Y/n? - He asks again.

- Carlos yo... Es que no sé decir, lo único que sé es que me siento de la misma manera que tú. (Carlos I... I don't know what to say, the only thing I know is that I feel the same way as you do.).- I say.

I see relief in his face.

- Pero, creo que sí deberíamos ir despacio. No creo que esté lista para una relación, mucho menos después de haber terminado una relación hace poco. (But, I think we should take our time. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship, not when i just ended a relationship.).

- ¿Así que no vas a regresar con Charles? (So you're no getting back with Charles?).- He asks.

- No, pero tampoco puedo estar contigo... no en este momento. (No, but I can't be with you neither... not in this moment.).- I say.

After that Carlos seems less tense than before and we went to eat dinner with Charles, Andrea, Oñoro, and some other engineers to celebrate Carlos' pole. And then we got back to the hotel to get some sleep and be ready for tomorrow's race.

3rd July 2022 (7AM)

Again I wake up because my alarm starts ringing, I'm so low energy and I don't know why. I start checking my phone and then I decided to go for a walk so I can get some energy, the track is very close to the hotel so maybe I will go to the track earlier. I open my suitcase and take the clothes from Alo, the top and leggings are so comfortable I take the pair of sneakers from the suitcase  and a change of clothes so I can put them in a little backpack and get change in the track. I go wash my face and my teeth, now that I'm ready I open my door and I see Charles also coming out of his room. He looks at me and frowns smiling.

- What are you doing? - He asks.

- I'm going for a walk, and you? - I ask.

- Me too. - He says and I nod.

- Are you also going to the track? - He asks.

- Yeah. - I say and move a little my backpack.

- Do you mind if I walk with you? - He asks.

I shake my head and we get into the elevator.

As soon as we are getting into the track Andrea calls Charles. I only understand I few words and it didn't make so much sense. We walk into the Ferrari garage and Andrea is talking to some mechanics. Then we go with him and Charles starts talking to him, then Charles starts nodding and comes to me.

- We're going to do some laps at the track in bicycle, do you wanna join us? - He asks.

- Yeah, why not? - I say.

Andrea and Charles go somewhere and then they get back with three bycicles, Charles gives me mine and we all start riding them around the track. At some point Andrea and I we're next to each other and Charles was in front of us.

- I never thought I'll see you guys together again. - Andrea says.

- Oh no, we are not back together. - I say.

He nods and looks away.

- Charles, I'm going back. - Andrea says.

But Charles didn't listen.

- Can you tell him that I needed to go back? - He asks me.

- Yes, of course. - I say and smile.

Andrea starts riding his bicycle towards the team's garages. I start going faster so I can be besides Charles, he looks at me and smiles. After a few more minutes of riding around the track and talks about what happened between Mason and I... we got back to the Ferrari garage.

8:20 AM

- Do you want to get breakfast? - Charles asks me.

- Uh, but like don't you have to do things in here? - I ask.

- I have like one hour free. - He says.

- Alright, let's go. - I say smiling.

He went to tell Andrea we were going to get breakfast, and in less than 6 minutes he was back.

- Now we can go. - He smiles.

- Wait, but I have to change my clothes. - I say.

- Oh yeah, you can change in my motorhome, there's a shower too if you want to take a shower. - He says.

- Yes, thank you. - I say.

When we arrived to his motorhome he stayed outside of it while I was showering and changing clothes. And when I come out all changed he was on his phone, he turns to look at me.

- Another dress. - He says.

- Yeah, it was the only clothes Danielle sent me. - I say.

- Well, I'm gonna take a quick shower. - He says.

- Okay, I'll wait for you outside. - I say.

- You can be inside, I'll change my clothes in the bathroom. - He says.

- It's okay, I'll wait outside. 

- Okay. - He says and goes inside the motorhome.

8:30 AM

He comes out with jeans and a Ferrari T-shirt.

- Like what you see? - He says smiling.

I realize how I was looking him from head to toes.

- What? - I ask nervous.

He laughs softly.

- I wasn't-

- It's okay, I was just joking y/n. - He says.

I smile softly.

A notification rings on my phone.

- Who is it? - Charles says.

I smile again.

- What? - He asks confused.

- Nothing. - I say.

When he asked me who was it a memory from months ago came back to my mind, when we were still together and every time my phone rang or a notification sounded he would always ask me "Who is it?". And hearing him asking me that... revived a happy memory. 

- It is Carlos. - I say.

- You're smiling to a notification from Carlos? - He asks.

- No! It was something else that I was smiling for. - I say.

- Oh okay, so what did Carlos said? - He asks.

- Why do you care? - I ask smiling.

He sighs.

- You two seem very touchy yesterday and I thought that maybe you two are dating. - He says.

- We're not dating. - I say.

- Good. - He says smiling.

- Why? - I ask kinda smiling.

- That means you're single and I can ask you out. - He says flirting.

I'm holding back a smile, and trying as hard as I can to stop myself from smiling. Another message from Carlos pops on my screen. But I can't stop thinking about what Charles just said, that I didn't even notice the notification.

- So. 

- So? - He asks.

- You're planing asking me out? - I ask.

- Maybe. - He says smiling.

- Mmm. - I say smiling.

- Why? You want me to ask you out? - He asks.

I shrug. 

- Because if you say yes that means I can do this. - He says.

He stuck my hair behind my ear and starts leaning closer. Should I stop him?

- Y/n... - Someone says and interrupts Charles from kissing me.

 The voice sounds familiar so I turn to look. 

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