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- Carlos, por favor espera un momento. (Carlos, please wait.)

- ¿Es por eso que en la mañana preguntabas que si no recordaba lo que pasó ayer? (Is that why yesterday you were asking if I didn't remember what happened yesterday?)

- Sí pero Carlos... Fue solo un error. Además Charles me acaba de decir que sí quiero ser su novia. (Yes but Carlos..... It was just a mistake. Besides, Charles just asked me if I want to be his girlfriend.)

- ¿Le dirás que sí? - He asks disappointed. (Are you going to accept?)

- Tal vez... (Maybe...)

- Después de todo lo que hemos pasado juntos, ¿enserio vas a preferir a Charles sobre mí? (After all we've been through, you're going to chose Charles over me?)

- Carlos es qu-. ( Carlos is just that-)

- No tienes que explicarme nada, ya me di cuenta que yo nunca seré tu primera opción. (You don't have to explain anything to me, i just realize I'll never be your first option.)

- ¿A qué te refieres con eso? (What do you mean by that?)

- Me refiero a que después de todo el tiempo que llevamos conociéndonos nunca pensaste que tal vez tú me gustabas. Siempre preferiste a cualquier persona antes que a mí, primero fue con Max y ahora con Charles. (I mean that after all the time we have knowing each other you never thought that maybe I liked you. You always preferred everyone else over me, first it was Max and now Charles.)

- Tú estabas con Tini cuando yo salía con Max... (You were dating Isa when I was dating Max...)

- Y cuando terminaron los dos yo terminé a Tini. (And when you two broke up I also broke up with her.)

- Pero tú me habías dicho que vosotros habéis terminado porque tenían problemas. (But you told me you two broke up because you had issues.)

- ¿Cuáles creías que eran los problemas? Eran porque siempre pasaba tiempo contigo. (What issues do you thought we had? They were because I was always spending time with you.)

- ¿Así que ahora me culpas por tu rompimiento con Tini? (So now you're blaming me because you broke up with Isa?)

- No estás entendiendo nada de lo que digo, ¿verdad? (You're not getting it, right?)

- Yo terminé con Tini por ti. - Carlos yells at me. (I broke up with her because for you.)

- Nunca te pedí que lo hicieras. (I never asked you to do it.)

He raise his eyebrows in disappointment and says.

- Vale, anda a casarte con Charles. (Okay then, go marry Charles.)

- Carlos espera, perdón no quise- (Carlos wait, I didn't mean-). - I say and grab his arm to stop him from leaving. 

- Déjalo así y/n, solo no vengas llorando cuando te terminen. - He says and leaves. (Leave it, just don't come crying when he breaks up with you.)

- Y/n? - Charles asks. 

- I've never fight with Carlos like this. And I think I really fucked up this time. - I say with my voice  breaking and tears falling down my cheeks. 

- Everything is going to be okay, don't worry. - Charles says hugging me.

- I really don't think that. - I say, and it's true because I totally screwed up this time. - Being here with Carlos the rest of the summer will be like hell. He will never talk to me again.

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