Checo is hot

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Charles sent me his location and I went for him. When I arrived he looked like he was freezing to death, he got in my car mad. He kinda give me Max's vibes from when we were dating.

- You seriously got mad because I got confused? - I ask as he is getting into the car.

- I'm not gonna talk to you, 'cause I know what could happen if I do.

- What could happen? What you mean?  

- I'm just saying.

- You're saying you'll break up with me just because I said Carlos instead of your name, am I right?

- I never said I was breaking up with you. Don't put words in my mouth.

- Yeah you kinda did. - I say.

- This is exactly why I don't want to talk, you always do this.  

- I always do what?

- Make such a big deal.

- Oh really? Says the guy who left because I said Carlos instead of Charles.

- I didn't left because you said Carlos, I left because now I know who are you in love with. -Charles says.

- You did not just said that. If I'm in love with Carlos why would I chose you over him? - I ask.

- I think you only chose me because he was mad at you.

- Okay. - I say.

- Okay.

We didn't speak in the whole way to my apartment. And when we arrived Danielle was inside of it sitting in one of the benches drinking a glass of wine like if it was her apartment.

- Oh hi! What are you doing here?- I say faking a smile. 

- I thought you would be here but I only found the wine. - Danielle says and looks at Charles.

- And look who decided to appear. - She says.

- He was lost and called me to bring him here.  - I say. Danielle looks at us like examining us.

- You guys look tense, what happened? - She asks.

- I'm really tired, I'm going to bed. - I say and leave.

Charles' pov:

Y/n left and leave me with Danielle. I think she hates me by the way she's looking at me.

- Sei di Monaco, vero? (You're from Monaco, right?) - Danielle asks me.

-lo sono, y/n te l'ha detto? (I am, did y/n told you?). - I ask her.

-Dopo che è stata quasi licenziata per essere uscita con te, ho fatto le mie ricerche e ho visto che sei nata a Monaco (After she was almost fired for dating you, I did my research and saw that you were born in Monaco). - She says. I sit on a bench in front of her.

-Licenziato? Pensavo avesse solo bisogno di fare un'intervista. (Fired? I thought she just needed to do an interview). 

-Bene, ora lo sai. (Well, now you know).  - She says.

- Quindi mi dirai cos'è successo? (So, are you going to tell me what happened?). -She asks me.

- È stato tutto a causa di quello che è successo durante l'intervista (It was all because of what happened during the interview).

Devi provare a metterti nei suoi panni. Non è facile per lei perdere Carlos, è molto importante per lei. (You have to try to put yourself in her shoes. It's not easy for her to lose Carlos, he's very important to her.) - Danielle says.

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