"Charles being your ex"

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The sound of the plane landing wakes me up, my head hurts so bad. I'm so confused, I look at my surroundings and I see Nico sleeping in the seat next to mine. I find myself smiling at him sleeping, cringeee. I start moving him to wake him up. He finally did.

-  What happened? - He asks scared.

- That's exactly what I wanna know. - I say.

- What are we doing in a jet?! - He asks very confused.

- I don't know! - I say.

A flight assistant comes right to us.

- The flight has come to it's end, you can get out of the plane when you're comfortable to. - She says and starts to walk away.

- Excuse me. - I say.

- Yes? - She asks nicely.

I start laughing nervously.

- Um, where are we? - I ask smiling.

- In Austin, Texas. - She says smiling.

I look at Nico but he's on his phone.

- Can I help you with something else? - She asks.

- That's all, thank you so much. - I say smiling and she smiles back before walking away.

I turn to look at Nico but he doesn't stop looking at his phone.

- Nico, ¿qué haces? (Nico, what are you doing?). - I ask.

- Revisando mi móvil para ver si encuentro algo que nos diga qué pasó ayer. (Checking my phone to see if I find something that can tell us what happened last night.). - He says.

Great idea. I open the purse I found next to me. Thank God my phone is there, 6 AM is the actual hour. I unlock my phone and go straight to WhatsApp. The last texts I sent were to Danielle, Danny Ric, and Charles. Why did I text Charles last night? I open the chat with him. I start laughing 'cause I see that I sent him a photo of Nico sleeping in my bed. Nico sleeping in my bed?! Charles answered "Who's that?".  I then open my chat with Danielle.


Can you borrow me your jet? 

Y/n it's 4 AM, why would you need to flight at this time?

I know but I have to get to Austin.

For the Grand Prix, right?


Fine, text me when you get there.

Okayy mommm.

Girl, you have no mom.

Shit, you're right lmaooo.

Danielle it's not mean, she's just... she's just Danielle. Anyways, all I know for now it's that I'm in Danielle's jet. Now what did I texted to Danny?


Heyyyyy, I know you're probably asleep but I just want to said thank you for inviting me to  McLaren's garage.

He obviously didn't text me back, because it was 3 AM in there.

- Mira lo que acabo de encontrar. (Look what I just found.) - Nico says.

He hands me his phone, a photo taken at 3:48 AM. It's a photo of me laying on my kitchen floor wearing The hoodie. Carlos starts calling me. It's 6AM, why is he awake? Anyway, I answer.

- ¿Hola? (Hello?). - I ask.

- Y/n.

- Carlos. - I say.

- ¿Quién es el que subiste a tus close friends? (Who's the guy you posted on close friends?). - He asks.

- Uh, creo que hablas de Nico. (Uh, I think you're talking about Nico.). - I improvise 'cause I don't know what story is he talking about.

- Como sea, ¿vendrás hoy? (Whatever, are you coming today?). - He asks.

- De hecho ya estoy aquí. (Actually, I'm here). - I say.

- ¿En el aeropuerto? (In the airport?). - He asks.

- Sí. (Yeah.). - I say.

- Vale, voy por ti. Y te ayudo con tus maletas. (Alright, I'll pick you up. And I'll help you with your suitcases.). - He says.

- Vale, bye. (Alright, bye.). - I say.

- Bye, nos vemos. (Bye, see you later.). - He says and hangs up.

Nico and I are getting ready to get off the airplane, even tho we're not ready because we do not have where to stay this days and we don't know exactly what happened. As we're taking our stuff, we notice we have only one suitcase, we don't even know if it's empty or not. But I guess we'll figure it out in the hotel. Carlos is waiting for us in the seats of the airport, I see him and take a picture of him. I send the picture to him, and he turns to look at me. He smiles and I smile back, we hug.

-¿Qué hace este aquí? (What is he doing here?). - Carlos asks in a mean way.

- Soy Nico. (I'm Nico). - Nico says.

Carlos face looks like he shit himself, I don't think he expected Nico to be Spanish too.

- Creí que sería buena idea invitar a Nico. (I thought it would be a good idea to invite Nico.). - I say.

Of course I was lying, why would I want to invite someone I met one day ago?

- ¿De verdad pensaste que sería buena idea invitar a un hombre sabiendo que tu novio está aquí? (Did you really think it would be a good idea inviting a man knowing your boyfriend is here?). - Carlos asks.

- Es mi amigo. (It's my friend). - I say.

A flashback from last night comes to my mind, Nico and I kissing.

- ¿Exactamente a dónde me invitaste? (Where exactly did you invite to?). - Nico asks.

Carlos rolls his eyes, I don't know why he's been so mean to him.

- Al Gran Premio de Austin. (To the Austin Grand Prix). - I say.

- Ah ya, con razón está Carlos aquí y Charles es tu ex. (Oh yeah, that's why Carlos is here and Charles is your ex.). - Nico says.

Now I'm the one who looks like just shit myself. Carlos looks at me confused.

- ¿Tú y Charles terminaron? (You and Charles broke up?). - Carlos asks.

- Es una larga historia. (It's a long story). - I say.

- No me importa, dime qué pasó. (I don't care, tell me what happened.). - Carlos says.

I stay quiet. 

- Tenías razón. (You were right). - I say.

- ¿De qué hablas? (What are you talking about?). - Carlos asks.

- Sobre que me iba a lastimar. (That he was going to hurt me.). - I say and he frowns.

- Me engañó con Jessie. (He cheated on me with Jessie.). - I say and I feel a knot in my throat.

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