Grown ups

432 9 2

A/N: Some conversations are in Italian, I don't know if it is written right because I don't speak that language.


Carlos (cousin) arrived at the hotel, Carlitos and I are in his hotel room. He's laying on his bed complaining of the pain of his hand, I'm sitting beside him. Nico went to find some ice for Carlos. Carlos (cousin) starts calling Carlitos. He asks me to answer for him because his right hand hurts.

- Hola. (Hey.).- I say.

- ¿En qué habitación se están quedando? (In which room are you staying?). - He asks.

- En la 205. (In the 205.). - I say.

- Vale, ya voy subiendo el elevador. (Alright, I'm in the elevator.). - He says and hangs up.

After a few minutes he enters the room.

- ¿Qué fue lo que pasó? (What happened?). - He asks to Carlitos.

Carlitos looks at me and smiles. Carlos looks at us both confused.

- Carlos quiero que entiendas la gravedad de esto. (Carlos I need you to understand how bad this is.). - He says.

Nico comes back with ice and gives it to me, I take it and put it on Carlos face. I look at Carlitos and he looks at me, we both smile a little.

- Tiene que ver con y/n, ¿cierto? (It has something to do with y/n, right?). - Carlos asks.

We both stay quiet, I guess Carlos took it as a yes.

- No puedes golpear a alguien solo porque te gusta su pareja. (You can't get into a fight with someone just because you like his girlfriend.). - Carlos says.

I make an awkward face.

- Y menos si al que golpeaste es Charles, tu compañero de equipo. (An even less if the person you are fighting with is Charles, your teammate.). - Carlos adds.

Carlitos didn't say anything... Until someone started knocking the door. Nico opens it, it's Andrea.

- Charles wants to talk with you. - He says.

- Me? - Carlitos and I ask and the same time.

- Y/n. - Andrea says.

I look at Carlos, he's just as confused as I am.

- Y/n? - Andrea asks.

- Umm yeah, I'll be there in a minute. - I say.

He leaves.

- ¿Por qué dijiste que sí? (Why did you said yes?). - Carlitos asks me.

- No lo sé. (I don't know.). - I say getting up from the bed.

- ¿Vas a ir? (Are you going?). - He asks.

- Pues ya he dicho que sí. (I already said yes.). - I say.

The front door is Charles' room. Should I really go with him? I knock, Andrea opens it. Charles is laying in his bed, his left eye is red, his nose has still some dry blood and his bottom lip its bleeding. He has ice on his eye, I guess to keep the swelling down. I stand there very veryyy uncomfortable, until he looks at me.

- Y/n, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for everything. - He says.

I don't say a word.

- If you can forgive me after everything I did to you. - He says and I frown.

- I'm not saying getting back together, I just want to be... friends. If you want. - He says.

- I don't think so. - I say very proud of myself.

He looks a little sad. Am I the only one that feels so bad seeing men sad?

- I mean like, not know. - I say.

He looks at me and he smiles a little.

- But please don't get Carlos fired. - I say.

He smirks and I laugh a little. He was about to say something but Andrea interrupt him.

- We still have to report this to Binotto.

- And what happens after is his decision. - Andrea says.

I stay quiet.

- I'll leave now. - I say.

- Bye, I- I'll do what I can. I promise. - Charles says.

I walk out and close the door.

- Perché la stai aiutando? (Why are you helping her?). - I hear Andrea asks.

I was about to leave but I want to hear Charles response.

-Hai ascoltato, voglio fare le cose per bene questa volta.( You already heard, I want to do the right thing this time.) .- Charles answers.

- Carlos ti ha rotto il naso, la cosa giusta è denunciarlo a Binotto. (Carlos broke your nose, the right thing is to report it to Binotto.). - Andrea says.

- Non mi perdonerebbe mai se lo facessi. (She would never forgive me if I do that.). - Charles respond.

Andrea opens the door.

- Y/n? - Andrea asks.

- Oh I- Hi! - I say nervously.

Charles smiles and asks.

- Were you hearing our conversation? - He asks smiling.

- I'm sorry, I- I didn't mean. - I say.

Is this the second most embarrassing moment of my life? The first of course has to be when I crashed into Carlos and he was naked.

Charles finds it funny that I was sneaking to hear their conversation, but Andrea don't.

- If it helps, I didn't understand a thing so... - I say.

- It's fine, just go. - Andrea says and close the door.

I can hear Charles laughing from the outside. I open the door from Carlitos' room.

- ¿Qué pasó? (What happened?). - He says and proceeds to examine me.

- Nada, solo se quería disculpar. (Nothing he just wanted to say sorry.). - I say and he frowns.

- ¿Y lo perdonaste? (And did you forgive him?). - He asks.

- ¿Qué? No. (What? No.). - I say confused.

- ¿Por qué lo perdonaría? (Why would I forgive him?). - I ask.

- Pues entraste con una sonrisa que parece que te acaba de pedir matrimonio. (I mean you came in with a smile that looked like he just proposed.) - He says.

- Ay Carlos. (Oh Carlos.). - I sigh and roll my eyes.

I look around and see that Nico and Carlos (cousin) are gone.

- ¿A dónde fueron Nico y Carlos? (Where did Nico and Carlos go?) - I ask.

- No tengo ni idea. (I have no idea.). - He answers.

I lay besides him, and I turn the TV on. I put our favorite movie Grown ups.

- ¿Te acuerdas que cuando éramos niños veíamos esta película todo el tiempo?(Do you remember when we were kids and we'd watch this movie all the time?). - I ask.

- Yo recuerdo que me obligabas a ver esta película contigo. (I remember you obligated me to watch it with you.). - He says.

I look at him and he looks at me, he looks at my lips. My heart starts raising, the adrenaline starts running in my veins. He leans closer to me and so do I, our lips touch. I put my hand in his cheek, he grabs my waist and moves me over him and then he puts his left hand in my neck and the right grabbing my hear. I start kissing his neck and then go back to his lips, but accidentally bump my nose with his.

- ¡Ow! - Carlos moans.

I start laughing.

- Perdón. (Sorry.). - I say smiling.

- Está bien. (It's okay) - He says.

He puts his hands in my cheeks and leans my face closer to him.

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