Sour patch kids

352 6 1

19th June 4:00PM

Danielle calls me and she sounds super excited.

- OMG Y/n! You're not gonna believe what I'm about to tell you! - She says.

- What?! Tell me! Tell me! - I say.

- Miuccia Prada is going to invite some models to eat dinner and after it she will choose which of them will be the face of Prada, and you're invited!

- What! Oh God! - I yell.

Mason looks at me like scared.

- I know! I don't want to make any promises but they told me that there is a fat chance you'll be chosen if you show up. She has seen your work and she LOVES you. - Danielle says.

- You'll go to the location that I'll send you, at 7PM. It's going to be the 1st of July, don't be late! - She says.

- Okay, okay. - I say.

After a few minutes of screaming of happiness with Danielle we hang up.

- What was all the noise for? - Mason asks.

- I'm very close to be the new face of Prada! - I say smiling but he doesn't seem as happy as I am.

- Aren't you happy for me? - I ask.

- Yeah of course I am. - He says and sits on the couch.

I can't believe this is happening, if they make me the new face of Prada my career will be more successful than it already is! This is probably the most important thing in my life right now. I'll be everywhere as the new face of Prada, can you imagine that?

- Aren't you hungry? - Mason says.

- I was thinking maybe I could cook some pasta. - I say.

- Ufff, yeah the pasta you make sounds amazing. - He says.

I go to the kitchen and take the pasta out from the cabinet, and while doing it I decided to videocall my dad. He answers.

-¡Alita!, ¿Qué haces? (Alita!, what are you doing?). - He asks happy.

- Estoy preparando la comida, ¿y tú? (I'm cooking dinner, and you?). - I say smiling so hard my cheeks hurt.

- Estoy en el circuito. (I'm at the track.). - He says and shows me the inside of the Alpine's garage.

- ¿Por qué sonríes tanto? (Why are you so smiley?). - He asks smiling.

- Danielle, mi manager, me acaba de dar una noticia super buena y estoy muy emocionada. (Danielle, my manager, just gave me very exciting news and I'm very excited.). - I say.

- ¿Y cuál es? (And which is it?). - He asks smiling.

- Esta casi por hecho que seré la nueva cara de Prada. (It's almost sure I'm going to be the new face of Prada.). - I say smiling.

- Wow, estoy muy orgulloso de ti. Yo sé lo mucho que te ha costado llegar a donde estás, y se lo orgullosa que estaría tu mamá al verte todo lo que has logrado. Te amo mucho, estoy demasiado orgulloso de ti. (Wow, I'm so proud of you. I know how hard it has been for you to get to where you are, and I know how proud your mom would be to see all the things you've accomplished. I love you so so much, I'm very proud of you.). - He says.

A few minutes after I hang up the call with my dad and at the same time finish the pasta. I serve two plates of pasta and I take two cans of Coca Cola. Mason sits and so do I, he takes a bite of the pasta.

- I swear to God this pasta never disappoints me. - He says.

- Hey Mase, can I ask you a favor? - I ask.

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