How Are You So Hot?

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When the movie was about to end, I grab my phone to check the time.

8:30 PM 

- Carajo, ya es tarde, tengo que arreglarme. - I say as I get up from Carlos bed. (Shit, it's late, I have to get ready.)

He grabs my arm to stop me.

- ¿A dónde vas? - He asks. (Where are you going?)

-  Pues iba a salir a- . (Well, I was going t-)

- Pero que dices, no conoces la ciudad, ¿cómo vas a salir sola? - He interrups me. (What are you saying, you don't even know this city, how can you go alone?)

- Deja que te acompañe. - He says getting up from his bed. (Let me accompany you.). - Encima de todo, es tarde no puedo dejarte salir. (Besides, it's late I can't let you go out.)

- No te estoy pidiendo permiso. Quédate aquí, por favor. - I say. (I'm not asking for your permission. Stay here, please.

I'm getting out of his room. I feel bad for how I treated him but, I'm really excited about going out with Charles and I go to get ready.

It is 9 PM and Charles hasn't respond any of my texts. Just when I start thinking he might have forgotten about our date someone knocks on my door. I open as fast as I can and I see Charles with flowers.

- You brought me flowers? Aw, thanks - I say

I cannot explain how I feel right know.

- Yeah, I saw them earlier and thought about you so I bought them for you. - He says with a big smile.

We go to a club. The music is so loud that I can't even hear my thoughts.

- Do you want a drink? - He asks almost shouting so I can hear him.

- Yeah, of course. - I say.

We went to the bar and sit there. We spent almost all night drinking and talking.

-Okay, let's play something. - He says.

- What?

- I say something in Italian and you have to guess what I say.

- Okay. - I say.

- Sei la ragazza più bella di questo pianeta. (You are the most beautiful girl on this planet.)

- I don't understand anything you're saying. - I say while laughing.

He grabs my face and leans closer to me.

 - I said "you're the most beautiful girl on this planet". - He says.

 He kisses me and I kiss him back. I think this is the happiest moment of my entire life. 

3 AM

I'm so drunk I almost can't walk. Charles helps me to open the door of his car.

- Charles, eres una persona increíble. I think you are the love of my li-. (Charles, you are an incredible person.)

- Wow, wow, hey, hey, hey. Just rest a bit, okay? Drink this. - He gives me a bottle of water.

I fall asleep in the way to the hotel. He wakes me up when we arrive.

We get into the hotel and go to our floor. When we get out of the elevator he walks me to my room. He kisses me and then goes to his room.

- See you tomorrow for the race? - He asks before entering his room.

- Yeah, of course.

I'm looking for my key in my purse but I can't find it. I look up and I see Carlos, I know he is angry.

- ¿Por qué no contestas las llamadas? ¿Dónde has estado? - He yells at me. (Why don't you answer the calls? Where have you been?)

- Cálmate Carlos, que se me ha acabado la pila del móvil, pero Charles me trajo al hotel. - I say while laughing. (Calm down Carlos, my phone ran out of battery but, Charles brought me to the hotel.)

- ¿Cómo no quieres que esté enojado? Mira cómo has llegado. No puedes ni encontrar la llave de tu habitación. - He says taking my purse to help me find my key. (How can I not be angry? Look at you. You can't even find your room key.)

I hear his voice and turned to look at him.

- Hey y/n, I have your ke-. Oh, hey mate, what are you doing up so late? - Charles says coming out of his room.

Carlos grabs the key from his hand and pulls me into my room but I stop him from closing the door.

- Para Carlos (stop Carlos). Thank you Charles, see you tomorrow. - I say smiling at him.

- Just let me close the door y/n! - Carlos yells.

- Wait, is everything okay? - Charles asks confused, stopping the door from closing.

- Is none of your business. - Carlos tells him.

- Calm down Carlos, he just wants to see if I'm alright. -I say while grabbing Carlos' shoulder.

- How do you want me to be calm if he brings you all wasted and leaves you here in the hallway alone not being sure if you can open your door! - He yells and closes the door on Charles' face.

He looks at me but I'm not understanding what's happening very well. I just know that Carlos was very rude to Charles.

- Pon a cargar tu móvil que Fernando también está preocupado por ti. - He throws my purse on my bed. (Charge your phone, Fernando was worried about you, too.)

-¿Mi papá?  Es el mejor del mundo y tú, Carlos, mi mejor amigo, te quiero demasiado. No me arrepiento de haberte co-. (My dad? No, I love my dad. He is the best in the world and you are my best friend, I love you so much.)

-Shhh, mejor duerme. Hablamos mañana, porque no estás en tus cinco sentidos. - He says as he walks out of my room. (Shh, get some sleep. We'll talk tomorrow, 'cause you aren't in your five senses.)

The race is tomorrow so I have to get enough sleep.

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