Charles' hamburger

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Next morning 

I wake up and my head can stop spinning, I hate hangovers. I'm about to check my phone and then I realized my purse isn't here, I must had left it in the club last night. <<Last night>> Shit Mason, I need to go with Mason. But first, where am I? I check my surroundings. It's obviously an hotel room, but whose? I stand up and open the door I supposed its the bathroom. I see Carlos taking a shower and close the door as soon as I opened it. I sit on the bed traumatized, why is this always happening to me? He comes out of the bathroom smiling.

- De verdad lo siento muchísimo, fue un acci-. (I'm truly sorry, it was an-.).

- Si querías unirte nada más lo hubieras dicho. (I you wanted to join you should've said so.). - He says.

I stand quiet and I smile a little. What the hell? I have a boyfriend, stop smiling y/n!

- ¿Me estás coqueteando? (Are you flirting with me?). - I ask.

- No, al menos de que así lo desees. (No, unless you want me to.). - He says smiling.

We both keep looking at each other without saying a word.

- ¿Dormí aquí? (I slept here?). - I ask confused.

- Sí, ¿por qué? (Yeah, why?). - He asks drying his hair with a towel.

- ¿Y tú dónde dormiste? (Where did you slept?). - I ask.

- A lado de ti. (Beside you.). - He says.

I stay quiet.

- No pasó nada si es lo que te preocupa. (Nothing happened if that's why you're worried about.). - He says.

I feel some kind of relief.

- ¿No sabes dónde dejé mi móvil anoche? (Do you know where did I left my phone last night?) - I ask.

- Esta cargándose en el baño. (It's charging in the bathroom.). - He says.

I stand up and go for it. I instantly open it to call Mason.

- Gracias. (Thanks.). - I say smiling. 

- No hay de qué. (Your welcome.). - He says.

I call Mason, he doesn't respond. I sigh.

- ¿Todo bien? (Everything's okay?). - Carlos asks.

- Mason no responde mis llamadas. (Mason is not answering my calls.). - I say.

- ¿Pasó algo entre ustedes? (Did something happened between you two?). - He asks putting on his shirt.

- Tuvimos una discusión anoche en el club. (We had a discussion last night in the club.). - I say.

- ¿Por qué? (Why?).

- Charles y yo-. (Charles and I-.).

- ¿Charles y tú? (You and Charles?). - He interrupts me.

- Charles y yo salimos por que el necesitaba tomar aire, y hacía mucho frío afuera así que el se ofreció a darme su chamarra y cuando me la estaba poniendo Mason nos vió y lo malinterpreto. (Charles and I went out because he needed some air, it was really cold outside so he offered to give me his jacket and while I was putting it on Mason saw it and misinterpreted.). - I say.

- La verdad yo también hubiera sentido celos. (I mean I would get jealous too.). - He says.

- Pero tu no eres mi novio. (But you're not my boyfriend.). - I say.

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