Yellow -Coldplay

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Later that day (Airport of LA)

I texted Danielle and asked her if she could pick up Charles and me from the airport, and I also texted Jessie that my manager was going to pick us both.


Are you free to pick up Charles and me from the airport?



Give me 20 minutes, I'm in a virtual meeting for your tomorrow's photoshoot.

Okay thxxx

- I'm so hungry. - Charles complains.

- You're always hungry. - I say and we both smile.

I ignore him and keep watching tiktoks when a message from Danny Ric pops on my screen.                              "Ready 4 tomorrow?"

- How long until Danielle arrives? - Charles asks and leans his head on my shoulder.

- She said she'll be here in 20 minutes. - I say looking at him and block my phone. 

Charles turn on my phone to see the time and stares at it.

- What's happening tomorrow? - He asks confused.

- What? - I ask and he turns my phone, it's the message from Daniel.

- Oh! It's nothing. - I say smiling and take my phone from his hands. Charles moves his head from my shoulder and stands up from his seat. 

- Where are you going? - I ask.

- I'm getting something to eat. - He says.

- I'll go with you. - I say and stand up quickly.

- No it's okay, stay here. - He says barely smiling.

- Okay... - I respond and sit again.

5, 8, 10, 15 minutes passed and Charles hasn't come back. I'm starting to worry and go look for him. First I check Starbucks, but he isn't there, so I go to a place that sells salads and I see him in a table in a call with someone. I can only see his back and his head so I walk towards him"Jessie I already told you, I can't do that to her". "I know! Me too but... I just- I don't know."  he says. Jessie? Why is he on a call with her? My phone starts ringing, that made him turn and look at me. It's Danielle who's calling me, but I don't answer. He looks at me like he's scared, I stand there looking at him. He stands up quickly and walks towards me.

- Y/n! Wha- What are you doing here? - He asks nervously.

- Why were you on a call with Jessie? - I ask. He stares at me.

- It's not- it's not what you think. - He says and for 2 minutes we stand there quiet. 

- Charles... please tell me the truth. - I say and my eyes starts watering.

- It only happened once. - He says.

I tear falls from my eye. 

- I- I love you babe, I swear - He says.

- You- you don't do this to someone you love.- I say and my voice starts breaking. 

-  I'm done. - I say.

- Please my love don't, I love you. You're the love of my life. - He says only making me start crying uncontrollably. 

He hugs me, I wanted to pull him away from me. But I didn't, at least I didn't hug him back. He puts his hands on my cheeks and tries to kiss me but I move my head and stare at him. I walk to the lady's bathroom and lock myself in one of them. He didn't try to stop me, he just stood there watching me leave. I can't fucking believe it, I can't believe Charles cheated on me. All of this makes me feel like it's just a dream, well maybe more like a nightmare. I look at myself in the mirror and all my mascara is ruined, I take a piece of paper and wipe it off. All I want is too call Carlos and tell him everything that happened. I open my phone and call him.

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