It's so sweet

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When we arrived at the hotel Carlos talked with some people in there and somehow I got a room. My room is in front of his and next to mine is Charles'. As soon as I touched my bed I fell asleep, and I guess so did Carlos. 

The next morning (qualifying) 6:00AM

The sound of an alarm comes from my phone making me wake up, half asleep I stop the alarm. I try to go back sleep but I can't so I open my phone and see messages from Danielle telling me to go pick up the suitcase she sent me, and also asking me how am I. And after a few minutes of scrolling on instagram, I stand up and go to the bathroom. I literally look like shit, the makeup from yesterday is all ruined and my hair is so bad I could pass for a homeless. I wash my face, and wash my teeth with the tooth brush and paste that comes with the room. At least I don't look so shitty now, now I'm kinda ready to go for the suitcase. But I need shoes, I can't use the ones that Carlos' brought me because they are his. Besides they are so big both of my feet could fit in one single shoe. I start looking for slippers, the hotels usually puts them in the bathrooms with a bathrobe. I open the cabinet down the sink, and there they are. I put them on, at least they are comfy. I look at myself in the mirror, gosh I look like a depressive single mom who just got divorced and spends her days drinking wine and watching romantic movies. I start going to the lobby so I can ask an employee for my suitcase, hopefully no one will see me. 

- Hi, I was wondering if there was a package for Y/n Alonso? - I ask to a women who I suppose works here.

- Good morning, give me a second I will ask my manager. - She says and leaves.

-Y/n? - Someone asks. 

I turn to look who is it.

- What are you doing here? - Charles asks.

- I-I umm I arrived last night. - I say.

-That's good. - He says smiling.

I nod. We say something at the same time, we both smile.

- You go. - I say.

- H-How did the thing with Mason went? You never texted me. - He says.

I take a deep breath.

- Well... it- it's okay, he was mad but when I explain it to him he was like it didn't even happened. - I say.

- Is he here? - Charles asks.

- No-No he no... - I say nervous.

He smiles.

- Are you two okay? - He asks.

- Can you come with me for a sec? - The employee asks.

I look at Charles.

- I gotta go. - I say smiling softly.

- Yeah it's fine, see you later. - He says.

He walks closer and hugs me, I obviously didn't expect it but I hug him back. It is the most awkward hug someone has ever given me. He starts walking towards the elevator.

- You look really pretty, very fashionist. - He says smiling.

I smile back and start following the employee. I see Charles and Andrea entering the elevator and then the door closing.

- Is... this one. - The employee says.

She bring out a suitcase from a room with like packages, lost things, and other stuff. 

- Thank you so much. - I say grabbing the suitcase handle.

- No problem, have a good morning. - She says.

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