But you know you like me more.

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It's currently 4:36 AM and I can't stop thinking about what happened with Carlos yesterday. I mean, he kissed me. But I really feel bad for Charles, he's going to be here tomorrow and now I'll probably stay with Carlos... And also, Danielle (Manager) hasn't update me about what happened, I really wish none of this would have happened.

The next morning :

I wake up and I check my phone, a message got my attention. It is from Danielle.

- I talked with the model agency and they have a proposal for you. - She says.

- What is it? - I respond.

- They want you to do an interview talking about what happened.

- What? No, I can't do that.

- And if you do it you may even get a better contract....

- I don't know, I have to talk with Charles, you know? I can't just expose him like that. 

- You have all day to think about if you'll accept doing the interview or not.

And for a moment I totally forgot that Charles arrived today, but he hasn't message me or call me.

But anyways I have to eat breakfast, but then when I was walking downstairs Charles starts calling me and I answer. 

- Hello? - He asks. 

- Hello Charles.   

- I'm here!

- Oh! That's good. 


- Where you wanna meet? - I ask. 

- We can eat breakfast together. - He says. 

- I'll go to your house, is that okay?  - He asks. 

- Yeah that's great. - I say unmotivated. 

- You don't sound very happy. 

- Is just that... We should talk as soon as possible. 

- Yeah I know, but wait, is everything okay? - He asks, and the only thing that comes to my mind is Carlos kissing me. 

- Just tell me when you're here Charles, please. - I say and hang up.  

I open messages and I see Max texted me, " Hey, how's your summer going?".  I know I said he's my best friend but he actually rarely texts me .  

- Hi! Great and yours? - I respond . 

Believe it or not, the message from Max made me think a lot. Mostly about when we were together. He was a really good boyfriend. Sometimes I think what would have happened if Max and I wouldn't have break up. Maybe Carlos would still be with Tini and I would have never thought about me and Charles as a couple. But I guess breaking up was a good thing. 

I hear someone walking downstairs and I see Carlos, my heart is raising, but he just grabs a cup of coffee and sits in front of me on the benches, he isn't talking to me or even looking at me. He's just drinking his coffee like if a day before he hadn't kissed me. Then when Ana sits next to Carlos, she looks at me and texts me "¿No han hablado de lo ayer? " (Haven't you talked about yesterday?) and I text her "No". I look at Carlos and so did Ana.

- ¿Por qué las dos me estaís viendo así? - He asks. (Why are you both looking at me like that?)

- ¿De verdad no recuerdas que pasó ayer? - I ask. (You really don't remember last night?)

- Solo recuerdo que me he pasado de copas y ya. - He says. (I just remember I drank to much)

My phone starts ringing and the name Charles pops on my screen. Carlos looks at me phone and then at me.

- ¿Vas a contestar? - He asks. (Are you going to answer?)

- ¿Cómo que si va contestar Carlos? Si Charles llega esta mañana. - Ana says. (What you mean by "Are you going to answer" Carlos? Charles arrived this morning.)

He's bitting his bottom lip and says. - Joder es verdad. (Shit, you're right)

I look at Carlos and answer Charles' call.

- Hi Charles, are you here?

Carlos frowns and asks murmuring "¿Cómo que esta aquí?".

- Yeah, I'm outside. - Charles says.

- Okay, I'll go open the door in a sec. - I answered and hang up.

I looked at Carlos and went to open the door for Charles, and when I see him I can only imagine me going to his motorhome and seen Charlotte. 

- Hi. -He says smiling.

- Hi. - I respond.

Charles looks over my shoulder says " Hi Carlos ". Carlos didn't say anything, but maybe he was too hungover to even know what was happening.

After whatever that was, Charles and I went to the backyard, exactly where hours ago I kissed Carlos.

- You want me to tell you about Charlotte? - He asks.

- I think so.

- Charlotte and I had a lot of problems, and we decided to take sometime. Days before I traveled to Budapest I broke up with her.

- And after the race? You know, when she was in the motorhome.

- I told a mechanic to tell you to go there so we could talk and when I arrived there was Charlotte showing me the picture of us and then you arrived.

I feel like I misjudge Charles, but after what happened with Carlos I can't stop thinking of him. And I feel bad for Charles 'cause he came all the way here just to solve things and I feel so guilty.

- Y/n? - He asks and I turn to look at him.

- Okay.

- So we're good? - He asks and I can't help myself from telling him about Carlos.

- Charles please say something. - I ask and he looks at me.

- I get it.

I was expecting him to be angry but "I get it" definitely not.

- What?

- I get what happened with you and Carlos. And I know you both have a lot knowing each other and maybe that's why you think you like him. But you know you like me more. And about the interview, you can do it. Maybe you can say that you're Charles Leclerc girlfriend. If that's what you want. 

- You want to be my boyfriend? - I did not expect that.

- Y/n I came all the way here because the day we saw each other in the hotel I knew I wanted to be your boyfriend. 

- But you don't care that I kissed Carlos?

- We what? - Carlos says walking into the yard.

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