The right decision (Charles' version)

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- Mason? - I ask confused.

What is he doing here?

- We just give us some time and the first thing you do is get back with your ex? - He asks.

I look at Charles, he's just as confused as I am. 

- Some time? You broke up with me. - I say.

- So you did got back with Charles. - He says.

- What?  - I say and smirk.

- You were about to kiss him. - He says.

- Yeah, but what does it have anything to do with you? What are you even doing here? - I ask.

- I use find my phone. - He says.

- You track my phone?! 

- It's not like I'm a stalker or something like that, I just wanted to say sorry for how I acted the other day. - He says.

- Yeah well, it's too late now. - I say.

- I see, I should've know since Monaco that you would do something like this.

- Mason we literally broke up! You broke up with me. - I say.

- Wait, Monaco? About the jacket? - Charles asks.

- And because she can't get over you and your stupid hamburger. - Mason says.

- My hamburger? What is he talking about? - Charles asks me.

I facepalm smiling.

- It's literally nothing, Mason can we talk in private? - I ask.

I take Mason's arm and walk a little far from Charles.

Charles' POV:

Y/n and Mason start murmuring, Y/n looks mad and so does Mason. A few seconds after things start to get really weird, Mason grabs y/n's arm. 

- Mason you're hurting me. - I hear Y/n say.

I don't even think twice and go with them. I pull Mason's arm away. 

- Mate you need to leave. - I say.

I think Mason realized what he was doing and leave after a few minutes.

Y/n's POV:

Mason leaves, I don't know why he acted like that. My heart is raising and my hands are a little bit shaky. Charles hugs me, and I hug him back. Charles put his hand in my cheeks and smiles, he stuck my hair behind my ear and leans closer to me. He kisses me and I kiss him back. 

- Y/n... - He says and stops kissing me.

- Wh- What? What happened? - I ask breathing heavily.

- What does this mean? - He asks.

- What you mean? - I ask.

- This, the kissing. - He says.

- You mean if we are back together? - I ask.

- Mmhmm. - He nods softly.

I take a deep breath.

- Yeah. - I say.

- Yeah? We're getting back together? - He asks.

- I mean, we should go slower. - I say.

He smiles and kiss me, and I kiss him back.

- Wait wait. - I say.

- What? - He asks confused.

- You have to promise not to cheat on me, never again. - I say joking.

- I pro- I-I promise. - He says.

I smile and kiss him, he put his arms around my waist and kisses me.

- I promise you made the right decision. - He says smiling.

I smile back and kiss him.

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