
575 9 1

4 august 2021 

After I hang up with Max, Charles got back from the restaurant with the food.

- What did Max told you? - He asks getting into the car.

Should I tell him about Carlos? He doesn't even know I dated Max, well, not from me. Maybe Max told him but I guess not the part where I cheated on him with Checo.

Charles clears his throat like telling me to talk.

- It's nothing, he just wanted to know if I'm alright. - I say.

- But why would you not be alright?   

I think he's trying to make me tell him what I was really talking about with Max.

- Because of what happened with Carlos. - I say, but he didn't respond.

- It's okay if you don't want to tell me, just don't lie to me.

- I'm not lying to you Charles. - I say.

We didn't speak in the way to the apartment until Max started calling me again. Charles looks at my phone and then looks away. I answer.

- Hello? - I ask.

- Hey, Martin and I are going to a club. I thought maybe you guys could come with us. - Max says.

I looked at Charles but he didn't listen what Max said, so I put Max on speaker.

- What? I'm sorry I didn't hear you. - I lie, I just want Charles to hear him.

- I said that me and Martin are going to a club and I wanted to know if you and Charles want to come with us. - Max says.

Charles looks at me and then looks away and smiles softly.

- I don't know, I'll ask Charles about it.

- Okay, text me when you decide. - Max says.

- Alright, bye. - I say.

- Bye. - He says and hungs up.

- So what you think? - I ask looking at Charles.

- I think you should text him saying we're going. - Charles says smiling.

- Okay.

I texted Max, he sent me the location and the time he was going to arrived there, 11:00PM. We arrived to the apartment and we sat on the table eating and talking. I get a text from Danielle telling me that I have the interview in 13 days in LA with Hailey Bieber. 

- Who is it?  - Charles asks.

- It's Danielle, she just told me that the interview will be in 13 days in LA.

- That's so cool, can I come with you? - He asks.

- Yeah, that would be great. - I say smiling.  

In the club 1:00AM

 I really needed this, going out with the people I love. But someone was missing there, Carlos. He didn't message me in the whole day. Until I went to the bathroom to call him.

- ¿Carlos? - I ask yelling because the music is so loud.

- ¿Por qué no contestas mis mensajes? (Why aren't you answering my texts?) - I ask.

- No quiero hablar contigo, déjame en paz. (I don't want to talk to you, please leave me alone) -He says and hangs up.

I feel so bad that I want to leave. So I go with Charles, or who I thought was Charles. I'm so drunk I can't even tell if I really talked with Carlos.

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