Who's Charlotte?

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Race day (before the race).

I wake up early 'cause Carlos told me he would take me to the track. I check my phone and I see tons of notifications, there were like a hundred of messages from Carlos from yesterday. I get ready and go to Carlos' room. I knock at his door but he doesn't open it. He left earlier. I went to Charles' room and knock, he opens the door.

- Hey y/n. What's happening? - He asks me.

- Carlos was supposed to take me to the track but he left me here.

- I can take you, if you want.

- Yes, please. - I say.

When we arrive I go immediately to Carlos and ask him why did he left without me.

- ¿Por qué me dejaste en hotel? Tú tenías que traerme. (Why did you left me at the hotel? You were supposed to bring me here.)

- Bueno igual veo que ya te trajo alguien más, entonces ¿por qué tanto lío? - he says and leaves. (Well, I see someone else brought you here, what's the problem then?)

He was mad at me but I don't get it. He's been childish.

- Hey are you okay? - Max asks.

- Ugh no, Carlos is mad at me 'cause I went to a club with Charles last night. But I don't get it, he is acting like he is my dad. - I tell him.

- Maybe you should go talk to him, don't let this get in between you two.

- Yeah, I think you're right let me go talk to him.

I'm on my way to Carlos' motorhome when I see my dad walking towards me. 

He looks mad, but how did he find out? I get that Carlos was mad about me going out but I never told my dad. Carlos must have told him, I can't believe him. How could he do that to me?

 - ¿Dónde estabas anoche? - He asks, he sounds mad. (Where were you last night?)

- Salí con Charles a caminar, ¿por qué preguntas? (I went for a walk with Charles, why do you ask?)

- No creo que sea tan buena idea que pases tanto tiempo con él. Puede que creas que lo conoces pero Sebastian me ha platicado mucho sobre él cuando era su compañero en Ferrari. (I don't think it's a good idea that you spend too much time with him. You might think that you know him but Sebastian has told me a lot of things about him from when they were teammates at Ferrari.)

I was surprised about what he said, but I couldn't stop thinking about Carlos. - ¿Podemos hablar de esto después? (Can we talk about this later?) - And I left.

I walk to Carlos' motorhome again. He's sitting, giving me a dead stare as I walk in. I don't know what to say, I mean should I even apologize? He told my dad I got drunk, he broke the trust we had. I know he's waiting for me to say something but as soon as I arrived I wanted to leave.

- ¿Vas a decir algo o solo te me quedarás viendo? - He asks. (Are going to say something or you're  just gonna keep staring at me?).

The silence make me feel so uncomfortable. 

-Yo solo-. (I just-.)

Charles walks in without knocking.

- Hey mate, have you seen y/n? - He asks. 

He then looks at me. - There you are, I was looking for you. Max said you might be here.

Carlos is real mad, but why? Charles is being nice and Carlos is acting like a douche. But I need to solve things with him.

- Uh Charles, do you think you could wait-.

- Está bien, que se quede. Yo me largo de aquí. (It's fine, he can stay. I'll get the hell out of here.) -Carlos interrupts.

And he went out of his own motorhome.

-I don't understand why he's acting like this. - I say.

- Well me neither. - Charles says.

- Anyways, why were you looking for me?     

- Oh yeah, I was thinking maybe you can- .

- ¿Sabes qué y/n? Estoy cansado de ti y de Charles. Te comportas como una completa tonta y no te importa lo que yo piense. ¡Y no pienso quedarme sentado viendo como él arruina nuestra amistad! (You know what y/n? I'm tired of you and Charles. You're acting like a total fool and you don't care about what I think. And I'm not gonna sit here and watch how he's ruining our friendship). - Carlos interrupts.

- ¿Arruinarnos? ¿Charles? ¡Tú eres el que está arruinando nuestra relación! ¡Tú eres el que le dijo a mi padre que salí! Eso a ti no te correspondía, no eres nadie para decirme lo que puedo o no hacer. (Ruining us? Charles? You are the one who's ruining our friendship! You are the one who told my dad I went out! That didn't correspond you, you are no one to tell me what I can or can't do.)

- Yo nunca le dije a Fernando que saliste, debiste de haberte fijado en los paparazzi antes de hacer una estupidez. (I never told Fernando, you should have watch out for the paparazzi before doing some stupid shit). - He says and grabs his phone showing me the news about Charles and me. Charles stands next to me watching the photo in the article.



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-  Wait, who's Charlotte? - I ask and turn to look at Charles.

- Yeah Charles, tell us who's Charlotte? - Carlos says.

- She's- .

- You know what? I'm done. I'm done with you two. - I say and go outside of the motorhome and go to Ferrari's hospitality.

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