You don't get to call me a whore

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Carlos stands quiet looking at me, the silence only makes me remember how everything happened... the airport in Los Angeles, my apartment, our apartment in Monaco. A tear falls from my eye and I swap it off with my hand. Carlos hugs me, and I swear to God it's the first hug he has ever given me that makes me feel that he really loves me. Nico is standing there watching us, he kinda looks like the emoji of the person standing, I don't know why I find it so funny and start laughing. 

10 AM 

Carlos took us to the hotel he's staying so we can make a reservation. All the rooms are together. Mine is number 203, Carlos 205, Nico 202 and Charles 204. Carlos left Nico and me in the hotel because he was going to the gym.

12 PM

Nico and I decided to get breakfast in a room. He didn't want to make his room dirty so he insisted and insisted to eat in mine, we're watching Mamma mia!. I finally found a man that likes Mamma mia!, besides Charles. Nico refers to Donna (the mother) as his sugar mommy. Someone starts knocking on my door while I was in the bathroom, so I ask Nico to open the door and check who is it. I'm having a shower 'cause I feel dirty after last night.

- ¡Umm y/n! - Nico yells.

- ¡¿Qué pasa?! (What?!). - I ask from the shower.

- Creo que necesitas salir. (I think you need to come out.). - He says.

- ¿Qué es tan importante? (What's so important?). - I say putting a towel on.

I open the bathroom's door and walk to the door.

- What are you doing here? - I ask surprised.

- What is he doing here? - He asks.

Nico looks at us both.

- I think it's better if I go. - Nico says.

- You think? - He says sarcastically.

I roll my eyes and sigh. Nico walks out and close the room's door.

- What are you doing here Charles? - I ask trying to put some clothes on without taking the towel off.

- We just broke up and you're already dating someone? For real, who's next Carlos? Pierre? - Charles says.

- Excuse me? - I say and my eyes start watering.

- I guess that's really your thing, right? - He says and I frown.

- I mean, how many are we on your dating list? - He says.

- You can't talk to me like that, when you literally started dating your ex girlfriend bestfriend.          - I say.

- But tell me really, where did you met him? I'm surprise I've never seen him in any team. Because I'm guessing your goal is to date as many F1 drivers as possible. - He says.

- You don't get to call me a whore. When I met you, I thought I had found the person that I was going to spend the rest of my life with. You left me. You cheated on me. You don't get to call me a whore. - I say.

I swear to God I've never cried this much because of being angry. He stands quiet looking at me, I have never seen him this angry, and desperate. Someone starts knocking on my door and then opens it. It's Carlos.

- Mate, what are you doing here? - Carlos asks.

- We were just talking. - Charles says.

- W-what are you here Carlos? - I say and swipe a tear with my hand.

- Uh Charles, Andrea is looking for you. - Carlos says.

- Where is him? - Charles asks.

- In the lobby. - Carlos answers.

Charles starts walking out of the room.

- ¿Qué pasó? (What happened) - Carlos asks.

- Me dijo que yo he andado con todos los pilotos y que quién era el siguiente, dijo que eso era lo mío. Básicamente me llamó una... una cualquiera. (He told me that I have dated all the drivers and that who is next, he said it was my thing. He basically call me a... a whore). - I say.

- Necesita que alguien le ponga un alto. (He needs someone to put down). - Carlos says and starts walking out of the room.

I follow Carlos with my hair towel in my hand.

- ¡Carlos, espera! (Carlos, wait!). - I yell at him as we're running downstairs.

- ¡¿Qué vas a hacer?! (What are you going to do?!). - I yell.

- ¡Carlos, por favor para! (Carlos, please stop!). - I yell again.

We get to the lobby where Charles and Andrea are talking about something.

- Mate! - Carlos yells at Charles.

Charles turns to look at him and I think that by my scared face he knows what's coming. Carlos punch him on the face, making Charles fall straight down to the floor.

- Oh God! - I yell.

A bunch of "Oh!" listens from the people around. Charles "cleans" his nose and see blood, he looks at Carlos and stands up quickly. Charles punch Carlos on the face, Carlos punch back. And somehow they end up in the floor, Carlos is over Charles. Everybody is scared, doing nothing. Except for Andrea who is trying to separate them. I don't know why there's no Security guards, but then a Nico comes to help Andrea and separates them. Andrea is holding Charles, Charles' face its cover in blood. Nico is holding Carlos from punching Charles again, Carlos' face it's also covered with blood and so are his hands. Am I sick for finding this super hot? I go sit with Carlos, he's sitting on the floor I try gently to clean his face with my hair's towel. I turn to look at Charles, he's bitting his bottom lip and nodding at something that Andrea is saying. I turn to look at Carlos as I take the towel and put it around his hand, I give him a kiss on the cheek.

- Gracias. (Thanks.). - I whisper in his ear.

He smiles a little.

- Esperemos y no me despidan. (Let's hope I don't get fired.). - He says.

We both start laughing and I hug him. I look at Charles, he's angry.

- Llama a Carlos, dile lo que pasó. (Call Carlos, tell him what happened.). - Carlos says.

Carlos as Carlos his cousin.

- No tengo su número. (I don't have his number.).  - I tell Carlos.

- Hazlo desde mi móvil. (Do it from my phone.). - He says and hands me his phone unlocked.

"Carlos Oñoro" I press and call.

- ¿Carlos? - He asks.

- Hola, soy y/n. (Hey, it's y/n.). - I say

- Hola y/n, ¿todo bien? (Hey y/n, everything's okay?). - He asks.

- Um, Carlos y Charles se pelearon... (Um, Carlos and Charles had a fight...). - I say nervously.

- ¿Están en el hotel? (Are you in the hotel?). - He asks.

- Sí. (Yes.). - I say.

- Vale, llego en unos minutos. (Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes.). - He says and hangs up.

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