I have to go, Charles is back

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After I hang up my dad texted me. "Lo único que quiero es que estés bien, créeme cuando te digo que estar con Charles va a traer grandes consecuencias y/n..."  (I just want you to be okay, believe me when I say that being with Charles will have consequences...).  I'm not gonna lie, maybe he's right and I know a lot has changed. But the fact that Carlos is mad at me makes me feel like the worst person in the whole world. And then a message from an old friend brought me back to reality. "Churri, ¿cómo has estado?" (Churri, how have you been?) - From Jess.

When I started my modeling career like 10-9 years ago, I met a girl of my same age that was also into modeling. Jessie it's her name, and we became friends. She was born in Canada but her mom is Spanish, and they moved to Madrid when she was 8. And you may be asking "Why does she call her churri?", well the answer is I don't know. She started calling me like that since I met her and I really don't know why she calls me like that. Like I said with Max, we're best friends but we never texted each other, so it's very weird she did it. Maybe she saw what happened with Charles, or maybe her mom told her. Reyes and her mom (Isabella) became friends when they started taking us to modeling, so maybe Reyes told Isabella what happened and that's why Jess texted me... But that's just a guess, maybe she just wants to talk.

- Holaaa, spr bien y tú?  (Hiii, great and you?). - I text her. And after 10 minutes of waiting, Charles is laughing at me because he's recording me with weird filters he finds on Instagram. But finally she responds.

- Bien bien y Carlos? (Good good, and Carlos?). - She asks.

When Isabella and Reyes became friends Jess started to come to our house VERY frequently so maybe you know what happened and if you don't I'll explain it. When she started going she ALWAYS used to tell me to ask Carlos if he liked her, but of course he didn't like her. In fact, Carlos was annoyed by both of us. Don't get me wrong but she's is very very selfish and jealous, it sounds like I don't like her but I do.

- Él está bien. ¿Sigues saliendo con Marco? (He's fine. Are you still dating Marco?). - Marco and Jess started dating at the same time as Max and I.

- Me engañó. (He cheated on me) - When they started dating I told Jess that Marco was a weird guy and that she should be careful. But she didn't listen to me. I don't know what to tell her so I send an emoji of a surprised cat.

- ¿Y a ti cómo te a ido?... Vi lo del piloto. - (And how has it been for you?... I saw about the driver ).

I knew she texted me just to ask me that.

- Sí, es mi novio :)  (Yeah, he's my boyfriend :) ).  

- Que suerte que tienes churri. (You're very lucky churri).

- Jajajaj, ¿por?  (Hahaha, why?)  - I ask.

- Está muy bueno jajajaja. (He's very hot). - She says.

What the fuck did she just said. Like I know he is, but it's not like I want my friend saying that to me, you know? Ugh. And also, I forgot to tell you that she's the kind of person that texts your boyfriend saying that he is very hot. I know that because Max told me she used to texted him when we were together. After she texted me that I almost throw up, not literally just an expression. And of course I don't want to be mean to her so I just answered "¿Verdad?" (Right?) and then stopped answering  the texts she sent me after. I have to admit that I was kinda jealous and mad, but while I was watching instagram stories I realize that Charles posted the video of me with a filter and put a heart in the left corner of the video. Everyone is going to see it, my dad, Carlos, Ana, and they may all judge me and hate me. Maybe I'm being dramatic or maybe everything is changing so fast. My stomach hurts because of the nerves of people knowing that now Charles and I are dating. It's all making me feel sick.

- Y/n? Aren't you hungry 'cause I really am. - Charles says. The sparkle in his eyes made all the sickness I had go away.

- Yeah, I'm hungry too.  

- Maybe we can order something to pick up and eat in the apartment if you want.   

- It's sounds good.   

On the way to pick up the food I was staring at my phone in the chat with Carlos. I sent him like a hundred of messages already and he hasn't answered. But a call from Max distracted me. I could feel the eyes of Charles in my phone.

-Hi? - I ask. 

- Heyy. - Max says.

I think maybe Max was waiting for me to say something but I was so nervous 'cause Charles was looking at me.

- You said you wanted to talk? - Max asks.

- Oh! Yeah... - And once again I didn't say anything.

-Y/n? - He asks.

- Yeah? - I respond.

- Who are you with?   

I looked at Charles.

- With Charles, why?

- That's why you can't tell me anything?

- Kinda... - I say smirking.

- Are you going to stay at his apartment? - He asks.

- Yes, why?

- Just asking.

Charles and I arrived to a restaurant where Charles was going to buy like Chinese food or something. And when he got out of the car he didn't even asked me to go with him so I just stayed in his car waiting... I didn't hang up the call with Max.

- Max?

- Yeah?

- Something happened, and it's really really bad.

- What happened?

- Carlos is really mad at me. And he also kissed me.

- Carlos kissed you?

-Yeah, but a day after Charles went to Mallorca and he asked me to be his girlfriend. And Carlos started saying that I never put him as my first option, and he even said that when we were together he liked me and that's why he broke up with Tini.

 - Wait he said he liked you when you and me were together? 

- Yeah! And that he liked me since we were kids and stuff like that. - Max started laughing but I don't know why, literally.

- Now it makes sense. - He says.

- What makes sense?

- When I signed for Red Bull Carlos told me that maybe I should break up with you because I would need more concentration while being in Red Bull. He literally said "It's the best for both of you".

- W-What? Why would he do that?

-Maybe 'cause he wanted to be with you.  

I don't think Carlos would ever do that, he knew how much I loved Max and that breaking up was going to "destroy" me. But maybe he did, I mean he always used to tell me that how could I be dating Max knowing he's his bigger rival on track. I see Charles walking back to the car.

- Max thank you but I have to go, Charles is back. 

- Okay, bye.

- Bye. - I say and hang up.

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